All Error codes for billing in Zoom App

Error codes for billing


Listed below are some steps that can assist you in identifying and troubleshooting common billing errors when you pay using your credit card or PayPal on the Zoom web portal.

Note : 

Before reading this article, we recommend verifying that all card information has been entered correctly based on how it is shown on your payment card.


A description of the error code as well as the code itself as well as troubleshooting suggestions
Please contact your bank or try a different payment method if your payment is declined because there are not enough funds in the account. We suggest you contact your bank for assistance if your payment is declined.
Please try again later or use another payment method if the system cannot process your payment request at this time. Hopefully the problem will be fixed shortly, but in the meantime you can try another method of payment or contact your bank. I would suggest that you contact Zoom for assistance if the issue persists. It is recommended that you try again later, use a different payment card, or contact your bank if the problem persists. Billing can be contacted by phone or live chat if the problem persists.
We are unable to process this transaction on this card because the currency does not support the transaction. We suggest reaching out to your bank or attempting another payment method. In case you need assistance from your bank, please try another payment method.
In case that you need assistance from your bank, please try another payment method. In case that you need assistance from your bank, please try another payment method. In case that you need assistance from your bank, please try another payment method.
This request has been unable to be processed as a result of an issue with the credit card. We advise you to contact your bank or to try another payment method. In the event that you are unable to use a particular payment method, we recommend you to contact your bank.
Please contact your bank or try using another payment method if we are unable to process your payment right now. It may be possible to process your payment with a different payment method or by contacting your bank.
An invalid number has been entered in your payment method too many times. You will not be able to process the payment. We recommend that you try another payment method. Try refreshing the page and then try another method of payment.
There is an error with your address which prevents your purchase from being processed. In order to ensure that your payment method is successfully processed, please update your payment method’s address so it matches what your bank has on file, or contact your bank to confirm the correct address for your payment method. In the section where you enter the payment method, please check that the address that you enter under the Payment Method section matches the address in your bank’s records for the payment card you entered. If you are unsure of the name and address of the bank that holds your payment card, please contact them and have them confirm the address.
If an invalid credit card number was entered on your purchase, the order cannot be processed. In case your credit card information has changed, please make sure to update it or try to submit your order using another method of payment. Our recommendation would be to contact your bank in the event the problem persists. Please make sure the payment information entered is correct.  Alternatively, please contact your bank for assistance or try using a different payment method.
The payment failed. Currently, the payment method you selected for processing your request was not available. Please try again later or use another method of payment. We recommend that you contact your bank if this problem persists or that you try a different payment method. We request that you contact Zoom for assistance if you are still experiencing the issue. If you still encounter issues after trying again later, switching to another payment card, or contacting your bank, please follow the troubleshooting steps. Please contact Billing if the issue persists by using the live chat feature.


A description and a code for the error along with troubleshooting suggestions
Transaction number 10417: The customer’s payment method was unable to complete the transaction Adding a new credit card to PayPal or choosing an alternative method of payment from your PayPal wallet will help you to do this.

Please note:

 Zoom does not take payment by PayPal balance.

PayPal declined the transaction due to the account being closed or restricted.  The account should be contacted to resolve the issue.
Id 1000976. A refund has already been issued by PayPal and there will not be any further refunds issued.



In the documentation of the Stripe website, you will find a list of the error codes that have been logged.

Note : 

In the event that you miss an important step in completing a Stripe transaction, you may receive an error code 402 on your screen. The only thing that was left to note was the error code that was immediately displayed following the informational message. If you click the link above, you can find out what that code means.

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Know The Zoom Billing Support
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Other error codes

Description and code of the error along with troubleshooting suggestions
for “Unknown Error” You need to ensure that all necessary information has been entered into the fields related to your payment method and your billing address. However, if the problem persists, we request that you contact our Billing department.
Please contact sales if you would like us to assist in processing your payment. We are currently unable to process payments for your invoice. I would like to remind you to make sure that all the required information on your payment method and billing address has been entered correctly. Please contact Billing if the issue persists so that the issue can be resolved.
Something went wrong when you tried to place your order. Be sure to check that you are in possession of up-to-date billing information, and disable pop-up blockers if you plan on subscribing because they may interfere with the recaptcha process. For more help, contact Zoom for assistance by email or by phone at 1-(888)-799-9666 ext. 3. If the issue persists, try another browser or use another computer. We encourage you to try the troubleshooting suggestions outlined in this article, including using an alternative browser and disabling pop-up blockers. It is necessary that the Recaptcha button is visible in order for your purchase to go through.o through.

The billing department can be reached by chat if the issue persists.


Even if there is no error message, you may still be unable to complete your purchase by clicking Continue or moving forward with your purchase. Please try the suggested troubleshooting steps if you are experiencing difficulties viewing the payment interface. 1. Make sure you are using Chrome or Firefox.
2. Delete all the cookies and cache in your browser.
3. Make sure that there are no ad-blocking extensions or software installed.
4. Make sure that you are using an incognito window.
There is a possibility of an address mismatch under the Payment Method section, so make sure that your bank’s records for the payment card entered here match what you entered.  For your protection, if you’d like to verify that your bank has the primary address for your payment card on file, get in touch with your bank.
The credit card expiration date must be entered correctly. Make sure that the expiration date you have entered is the same as the one on the card.  If you wish to update the expiration date of your credit card, you may need to re-enter all your credit card information.
If you have entered the expiration date and verification code correctly, then you will receive a 203: General Decline of Card message. There are no other details provided by the issuing bank.  You may still be receiving this error if you have received the payment was blocked by your bank. Please contact your bank for assistance.
It is possible that your card is out of date or the expiration date on your credit card is invalid. Make sure you are using a credit card with an appropriate expiration date.
230: The authorization request from the bank has been approved, but is being declined. Please use a different credit card to complete the transaction.
The system returned a 405 error. You must use another credit card to complete the transaction. To get further assistance, please contact Billing by chat for further information if you’re still seeing this error.
The following error message has been received: 102, 500: Invalid field. Please contact Billing via chat for further assistance.
The following error message has been received: 150 Contact Billing via chat for further assistance.

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Common Error Codes And Messages In Zoom App


Additional troubleshooting

You can further troubleshoot your issue by following these steps:

  • We recommend you try again with an incognito browser window or a different browser if you are unable to complete your purchase.
  • We would like to ask you to disable any pop-up blockers and extensions on your browser before retrying to make your purchase. Once the extensions have been disabled, you can enable them again.
  • On the Billing page, please ensure all payments information is reviewed and updated under the section on Billing Information. It is recommended that you update/edit the Billing Contact, Sold To Contact, and Payment Method items, after which you should retry the purchase.
  • In the Payment Method section, deselect the box next to the same address as the billing address. Make sure that the correct address that your bank has on file for this payment method is included. Please contact your bank for more information if you are unclear about what the address is for this card. You may then try to retry your purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions


Error codes associated with general problems
Description Error Code
An earlier version of the Zoom client is required than a later version of 102011
You may be using a Zoom client version that is higher than the maximum version that is allowed 102012
There has been an expiration date on the conference token for 102014
There is a problem with the server because it is overloaded 103008
There is an issue in which your payment has been declined due to the insufficient funds in your bank account. If you are experiencing this problem, you should contact your bank for assistance. If you are experiencing this problem, you should contact your bank for assistance. It is recommended that you contact Billing for assistance if the issue persists.
A Zoom error code 1132 is occurring which needs to be fixed in order for it to work
  1. Make sure you have a good internet connection. …
  2. Your devices should be powered off and on again. …
  3. It is recommended that you check for updates to the Zoom App. …
  4. Reinstalling the Zoom App is recommended if the problem persists. …
  5. You can join in a web browser by clicking here. …
  6. Change the TCP 6 and UDP 17 protocols for your Windows Firewall and change them to ANY in the settings of the firewall.
  7. Set up a new account on Windows by creating a new account.
You should speak with the merchant before you engage in any lengthy and formal dispute with them. When you go to the store to talk about the discrepancy, it is suggested that you bring your receipt with you along with a copy of your credit card statement so that you can explain to the employee why there is a discrepancy. In some cases, the credit card company may not have to be contacted at all to resolve the issue. The best course of action is to take your complaint to the next level if you do not receive a reply.
In order to be able to make a support call using the Zoom app, you will need to have a decent internet connection; otherwise, the app will display error code five, which can be very frustrating. There are many common errors that can occur during the application process as a result of this. On the Zoom app support website, it is stated that the issue is a connectivity issue.
It is possible for a user to experience error code 4 when attempting to log into Zoom. Occasionally, the user may be able to sign into their account through the web client in order to access their account information.

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