Understanding the Sponsor role in Expo in Zoom App
As part of Zoom Events, there is a feature called Expo which allows event organizers to create virtual exhibitions for their events that allow attendees to get the chance to meet different exhibitors and booths and learn more about their products and services.
As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to showcase your products and engage with attendees by setting up a booth on the Expo floor to showcase your products. Attendees can speak with exhibitors in booths located on the Expo floor as well as enter product booths.
In this article, we will discuss the following topics:
- Sponsor frequently asked questions about Expo
- As a sponsor, can I set up, configure, or edit my own sponsored booth?
- Can I customize my sponsored booth?
- How many spaces am I allowed to have?
- Can I configure my booth’s own hours of operation (dates and times)?
- Can I change where my booth is located in Expo?
- As a sponsor, what data is available to me?
- 1 Sponsor frequently asked questions about Expo
- 1.1 As a sponsor, can I set up, configure, or edit my own sponsored booth?
- 1.2 Can I customize my sponsored booth?
- 1.3 How many spaces am I allowed to have?
- 1.4 Can I configure my booth’s own hours of operation (dates and times)?
- 1.5 Can I change where my booth is located in Expo?
- 1.6 As a sponsor, what data is available to me?
Sponsor frequently asked questions about Expo
As a sponsor, can I set up, configure, or edit my own sponsored booth?
It is not. The only person who is authorized to set up, configure, and edit sponsored booths at the moment is the event organizer. You should coordinate with your event organizer and ask them to help you set up as a sponsor first, so that you can present and demonstrate your products and services at Expo once you have been added as a sponsor.
Can I customize my sponsored booth?
It is not. It is at this time that the sponsor booths will not be able to be customized further at this time.
How many spaces am I allowed to have?
You can choose to sponsor in one of three tiers: Platinum, Gold, and Silver, according to your sponsorship level.
- In Platinum, there is a maximum of four spaces available. The 4 spaces available to you do not have to be used all at once, but you are free to use any of them.
- There are a maximum of two spaces available for Gold.
- There is only one space available in Silver.
Can I configure my booth’s own hours of operation (dates and times)?
It is not. I am sorry to inform you that at this time, there isn’t an option to configure individual booths on an individual basis. Sponsored booths have the freedom to decide when their booths and spaces will be open, but you must do so within the Expo dates and hours during which the booths are open.
Can I change where my booth is located in Expo?
You may request to have your sponsored booth moved by contacting the event organizer if you wish to do so.
As a sponsor, what data is available to me?
The sponsor-specific event data can be obtained from the event organizer by contacting them.