Video Conferencing Best Practices for Real Estate AgentsĀ
In the new world full of technology, realtors must shift their train of thought from taking multiple clients on tours of local homes for sale to providing potential buyers access to virtual tours and meeting with buyers using Zoom.
Virtual meetings via Zoom are more critical to real estate agents than ever before, allowing them to meet with clients during a pandemic or when the client cannot physically meet with the real estate agent. At the same time, Zoom can help clients who live out of the area, out of state, or in another country.
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Virtual Showings
Video conferencing allows real estate agents to show clients homes without the need for the clients to be at the house. In addition, virtual meetings and showings make it possible to cater to out-of-town home buyers and homebuyers not wanting (or being able) to go out of the home.
Of course, virtual showings are not the same as seeing the home in person, but it is the next best option when getting to the house is not possible for the homebuyer.
Additionally, virtual showings have become more popular during the Coronavirus pandemic and continue to be an effective way to serve clients without the risk of exposure to lingering strains of the virus.
Walk Through Signing the Contract
Communicating with clients using Zoom makes it possible to share a screen and walk the client through the contract signing process. Being available in real-time reduces delays, especially if the client has questions.
In addition, walking them through the process using Zoom helps them with immediate assistance when they have questions or concerns about the contract.
Host Real Estate Team Meetings
One of the best ways to improve your client’s experience when in the market for a new home is to keep your real estate team up-to-date with information on the client’s needs and provide virtual training.
Using platforms such as Zoom can help conduct regular real estate team meetings to help benefit both your real estate business and your client.
It is possible to use Zoom for daily morning huddles or routine weekly check-ins with agents. In addition, some real estate firms use Zoom to conduct monthly training meetings to ensure all members are trained and prepared to help their clients.
Host Regular Meetings with Clients
Using Zoom or other video conferencing programs makes it possible to have regular face-to-face meetings with clients. For example, video conferencing makes it possible to keep clients up to date with their home purchase or sale and helps them learn more about the process of buying or selling a home.
Having face-to-face interaction with clients makes it possible to keep busy all day helping clients and meeting with those who are not available to meet in person. In addition, video conferences help keep clients engaged and feel like they are a part of the process.
Host Educational Webinars for Clients and Potential Clients
Virtual meeting platforms, including Zoom, allow it to host live webinars for clients and potential clients, sharing information about buying or selling a home. For example, some educational webinars may include financing options, home inspection tips, buying a home, selling a home, staging a home for sale, and moving tips.
The more webinars you host and record, the greater your library of educational videos grows, and you can start using your YouTube channel as a resource for clients and future clients.
Create Video Emails
One way to help your real estate business stand out is to start using Zoom to create video emails. In these emails, you can show clients new listings, show neighborhood conditions, and send a personalized message.
Video emails can also be used to help provide notification for when the meeting or webinar is about to begin and provide advice on how others can prepare and what to expect.
Video conferencing helps elevate customer services to the next level, making you stand out from the rest as a real estate agent.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska: