Zoom Meeting Connector Common Questions
Q: What are the benefits of using the Meeting Connector?
The Meeting Connector has two main benefits:
- Only one connection from Meeting Connector crosses the wide area network; all traffic keeps on your local LAN network.
- The privacy of meeting participants is always preserved as video, voice, and data do not travel over WAN or public internet.
Q. How many Meeting Connectors do I need?
A. There are currently 200 simultaneous participants (devices or rooms) supported by each Meeting Connector Controller, and each of them includes a Zone Controller and Multi-Media Router. Ideally, there should be more than 200 participants participating in a Multi-Media Meeting at the same time, so that you can deploy additional Multi-Media Routers.
Q. Can Meeting Connectors be distributed geographically?
A. In short, yes. The Meeting Connector Controller can be deployed to a local server and MMRs (Multimedia Router) to different regions; we recommend keeping the number of geographical regions to a maximum of four. The Zone Controller is responsible for centralized management of the distributed MMRs.
Q. How do the users know to use Meeting Connector?
Using this option, the host will be able to start the meeting using the Meeting Connector while you designate his/her status as On-Prem. After the meeting has begun, the client on the host will find the closest Meeting Connector and an attendee will join the meeting automatically on that Meeting Connector.
Q. Do I need to upgrade the Meeting Connector?
You need to refer to the Meeting Connector release notes. On the Meeting Connector admin interface, you can click Check Updates and then click Install Update to upgrade the Meeting Connector when you are in the administration section.
Note: In order to update to the most recent version, if you are using version 4.3.36476.0327 or lower, you will need to download and manually install the most recent version from the following URL: https://zoom.us/account/hybrid/download.
Q. How much is the Meeting Connector?
For subscribers to the education or business plans, the Meeting Connector is free of charge for deployment