There is a question frequently asked regarding how to detect when there is a missing or old VDI plugin as well as how to notify the end user that they need to install or update the VDI plugin to a compatible release.
In addition to the registry entries, Zoom provides a number of configuration options that allow you to configure what will be displayed when a certain version is not met.
Various configuration options can be found in the following section. Additional information about setting up the VDI client registry is available on the internet.
Warning message for different version of VDI plugin and Zoom meeting client
When a user signs in to their virtual desktop in the desktop Zoom Meeting client in the virtual machine, the Zoom Meeting client checks the VDI plugin. When the plugin version differs from the version of the VDI Zoom Meeting client, a pop-up message is displayed with a recommendation that the user should install a plugin that matches the version of the VDI Zoom Meeting client.
You can add a registry setting to prevent this dialog from being displayed by default, as this dialog is displayed by default. This registry string suggests that the setting enables this dialog, however, this dialog will not appear if the registry value is 0.
Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: EnableDifferentVersionTip
Value Type: DWORD
Value Description: A message will appear if the VDI plugin version does not match the VDI client version. This option can be enabled or disabled. In the event of a version mismatch, a zero will not display any warning messages, whereas any other value will do so.
Behavior of the meeting if there is not a VDI plugin installed
It is possible for the administrator to determine if a user will be able to join meetings or if their participation will be restricted if he or she has not installed the VDI plugin. There are multiple settings in the registry that can be adjusted in order to determine this behavior, and this behavior is referred to as “FallbackMode”.
Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: FallbackMode
Value Type: DWORD
Value Description:A specific mode is assigned to each of the numbers:
(1) Normal mode (Has the same behavior as the regular zoom client)
(2) the software will automatically run on a screen share meeting (by default, audio and video are muted)
(3) There will be a pop-up that will appear telling the user that they are not able to participate in the meeting
(4) An error message will be displayed in a dialogue box. In addition, the Zoom app will also be closed after the user closes the dialog box.
(5) The video has been disabled.
(6) Video and sharing are disabled on this computer.
(7) The audio and video on the computer are disabled
Comments: The default mode of operation is one (1) if no registry settings are configured.
Configuring a minimum VDI plugin version required to join a meeting
Users can configure the system so that older versions of VDI Plugin can’t be used to join meetings via older VDI Plugin releases. You can create a registry entry that will include a minimum plugin version to check for when configuring the registry entry. In the case where the VDI plugin version is lower than the minimum version required, the plugin will not work, the connection status will not appear in the Statistics dialog box, and that FallbackMode value will be used when joining meetings (in the absence of FallbackMode configuration, the default mode is to allow the user to join the meeting with all functionality enabled, but video and audio will not be offloaded).
Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: MinPluginVersion
Value Type: String Value (REG_SZ)
Value Description: 2.1.5 ~ current
Comments: It is important to choose a plugin version that matches your deployment’s minimum plugin requirement.
How to Configure a custom dialog message when VDI plugins are missing or incompatible
It is possible to display a custom dialog to the end user if any of the VDI Plugin requirements are not met. This dialog box will appear when the VDI Plugin is missing, when its version is lower than the value configured for MinPluginVersion, or when its version exceeds the version of the Zoom Meeting client for VDI. Note that this dialog will only appear if the FallbackMode value is configured for one of the following values: 1, 2, 5, 6 or 7. You can see the registry overview below for more information.
Key: SOFTWARE\Policies\Zoom\Zoom Meetings\VDI
Value: FallbackModeTipMsg
Value Type: String Value (REG_SZ)
Value Description: When the VDI plugin is not functioning and the fallback mode is set to 1, 2, 5, 6 or 7, the administrator can specify a message to display. Depending on whether or not this registry key exists, or if the string value for the registry key is empty, no dialog box will appear.
Comments: A line return is not supported by the registry table string type. The user should note that /n indicates a line return and should be used if they want a line return. The length of the content string must not exceed 1024 characters, otherwise the setting may not be able to be read by the virtual desktop client.
If either the VDI plugin or the VDI client versions do not match exactly in the example above, a dialog box will be prevented from showing. There is a requirement that the VDI plugin version meet or exceed 5.7.6 as a minimum. In the event that the VDI plugin does not fulfill these requirements (or is greater than the client version), the end user will be presented with a custom message. But FallbackMode has been configured so that even if the user’s audio and video cannot be optimized for the meeting, they will still be able to join and fully participate in the meeting.
Read it also –
How To Troubleshoot Vdi Plugin Installation In Zoom App |
Obtaining Vdi Plugin Information Using Wmi In Zoom App |
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check my zoom VDI version?
Does Zoom virtual background work in VDI?
What is Zoom VDI Plugin?
What is the difference between Zoom and Zoom VDI?
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