It is best to familiarize yourself with Zoom Events’ security options for an event and conference prior to scheduling your event. The most effective way to prevent disruptions during your Zoom Event is to only enable the features that are necessary to conduct the event. You have the option of reporting any attendee who you feel is behaving inappropriately or who is being disruptive as the event host. In this way, you will be able to ensure that the attendees of your event have a safe and enjoyable time.
This article covers:
- How to configure safety settings at start time for your event
- Best practices for event disruption during your event
- How to prevent attendees from annotating your presentation?
- How to mute all attendees’ microphones
- How to prevent attendees from changing their names
- How to prevent attendees from unmuting themselves
- How to delete messages sent in chat during an event
- How to report a user who causes a disruption
- Removing users and chat messages from the event’s Control Panel as a moderator
- How to remove users using the Control Panel
- How to remove all messages sent by a user using the Control Panel
- How to remove users and all chat messages sent by the user using the Control Panel
- Reporting and removing users and chat messages from an event lobby
- How to enable or disable lobby or expo chat from the Control Panel
- How to report and remove a user from an event lobby
- How to remove a User from an event lobby
- How to report and remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
- How to remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
- How to remove a user and all chat messages sent by the user from an event lobby
- 1 Prerequisites for preventing a Zoom Events disruption
- 2 How to configure safety settings at start time for your event
- 3 How to use best practices for preventing event disruption during your event
- 4 How to delete messages sent in chat during an event
- 5 How to report a user who causes a disruption
- 6 Removing users and chat messages from the event’s Control Panel as a moderator
- 7
- 8 Reporting and removing users and chat messages from an event lobby
- 8.1 How to enable or disable lobby or expo chat from the Control Panel
- 8.2 How to report and remove a user from an event lobby
- 8.3 How to remove a user from an event lobby
- 8.4 How to report and remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
- 8.5 How to remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
- 8.6 How to remove a user and all chat messages sent by the user from an event lobby
Prerequisites for preventing a Zoom Events disruption
- Zoom desktop client
- Windows: 5.7.6 or higher
- MacOS: 5.7.6 or higher
- Zoom mobile client
- IOS: 5.7.6 or higher
- Android: 5.7.6 or higher
- There are four different types of accounts: Professional, Business, Enterprise, and Education
- To create a paid event, you will need a Stripe or PayPal Business account
- Licences for Zoom Events are available for purchase
- Although Zoom Events version 5.7.6 supports some Zoom Events functionality; however, it is possible that this may result in the host having a blank lobby experience as a result of the dependency with Windows’ Webview package for the Windows platform.
- The latest version of the Zoom desktop client/mobile application is strongly recommended for hosts in order to be able to access the latest Zoom Events and Webinar features.
How to configure safety settings at start time for your event
Make sure to check your event’s security settings (set when you created the event) and attendees’ settings 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled time (before attendees arrive). It’s best to confirm your settings before attendees join the event, though they can be changed at any time during the event.
You can ensure that Zoom Event’s default security settings help prevent disruptions during your event.
Prior to the start of your Zoom Event, be sure to: if you selected or included a Meeting event type/session in your event:
- Disable Attendees can change screen names:
- During your event, attendees will have the option of changing their display name.
- Disable Attendees can share their screen:
- During your event, attendees can share their screens at their discretion if it is enabled.
In the Advanced Options section of the event, you can find these security options.
How to use best practices for preventing event disruption during your event
By default, all of the features listed below are disabled.
How to prevent Attendees from annotating on your presentation
If you share your screen with your attendees, you can prevent them from annotating your presentation.
- You will then be asked to share your screen.
- To access more meeting controls, click More.
- You can disable annotations for others by clicking Disable Annotations for Others.
How to mute all attendees’ microphones
All attendees’ microphones can be muted during your event to prevent disruptive sounds.
- The meeting controls can be found by clicking Participants.
- To edit a participant, click the ellipses at the bottom of the window.
- Once participants/attendees have entered, click Mute.
How to prevent attendees from changing their names
Your event can be protected from attendees changing their names during the event by preventing them from doing so.
To prevent attendees from changing their names during the course of your event, if you select or include a Meeting event type/session in your event:
- On the meeting controls page, click the Security button.
- In the box next to Allow participants to rename themselves, click the unchecked box to remove the checkmark.
It is important to remember the following to prevent your attendees from changing their names during your event, when you select or include a Webinar event type/session in your event:
- When you are in the meeting controls, click Participants.
- When you are looking at the Participants window, find the ellipsis at the bottom.
- Please select the option Allow Attendees to Rename Theirself after the meeting starts.
How to prevent attendees from unmuting themselves
It is also possible to prevent attendees from unmuting their microphone during your event in addition to muting them upon entering your event.
To prevent attendees from changing their names during the course of your event, if you select or include a Meeting event type/session in your event:
- The meeting controls can be found under the Security tab.
- The checkmark under Allow participants to unmute themselves must be removed in order for the checkmark to be removed.
It is important to remember the following to prevent your attendees from changing their names during your event, when you select or include a Webinar event type/session in your event:
- You can access the meeting controls by clicking the Participants button.
- When you are in the Participants window, click on the ellipses to the right of the name.
- Make sure you allow attendees to unmute themselves by clicking on Let them unmute themselves.
How to delete messages sent in chat during an event
In the chat window, you have the option of deleting messages and files sent by other users. If you delete a user’s message, you will have the option to report the user to Zoom’s Trust and Safety department in order to have them evaluate whether the user is misusing the platform and if necessary block them from using it in the future.
During an event, if you want to delete a message from the lobby chat window, you can do the following:
- If you want to open the chat window, click the Chat icon in the event controls bar.
- The easiest way to delete a chat message is to hover your mouse over it.
- Click on the ellipsis to open the menu.
- Then click on the Delete button.
How to report a user who causes a disruption
The Zoom Trust and Safety team will be notified when you delete a message from the in-meeting chat window during an event, so that the team will be able to evaluate whether a user is abusing the Zoom platform and whether the user should be blocked if necessary.
In order to report someone, you must first delete the message from the lobby chat window during your event in order to see the reporting option.
From the lobby chat window, you can report a user by following these steps:
- Click ⚑ Report [Attendee’s Name].
In the following dialog box, you will see the following. - What is the name of the person you would like to report? Click on the box next to the user whose name you wish to report and confirm the name of the user.
- You can find the answer to this question in the What happened? Using the dropdown menu to the right of the box, select the option you wish to select.
- In order to provide a screenshot along with the report, check the Include desktop screenshot box if you wish to do so.
- Click View Screenshot (Optional) to view a screenshot of the current screen.
- Submit the form by clicking the Submit button.
Removing users and chat messages from the event’s Control Panel as a moderator
Using the Control Panel, moderators can report users in the lobby.
How to remove users using the Control Panel
Removing a reported user is as simple as:
- Zoom Events requires a Zoom account.
- You can access tickets by clicking the Tickets button in the top-right corner.
- Click View Order for the event you are moderating.
- View User Reports by clicking here.
- You can remove a user by clicking More to the right of their name.
- Click the Remove User button.
- Remove the user by clicking Yes.
- Then click the Done button.
How to remove all messages sent by a user using the Control Panel
As soon as a user has been reported, all of their chat messages will be deleted:
- Join Zoom Events by signing in with your Zoom account.
- In the top-right corner, you will find a button that says Tickets.
- Find the event for which you are a moderator, and click View Order to view the order for that event.
- You can view user reports by clicking the View User Reports button.
- The user whose messages you wish to remove can be found by clicking the More link to the right of the user’s name.
- Messages can be removed by clicking the Remove button.
- The user messages will be removed if you click Yes.
- Click the Done button.
How to remove users and all chat messages sent by the user using the Control Panel
If you wish to remove the user who has been reported and all chat messages he/she has sent:
- You will need to sign in to Zoom Events in order to participate.
- Click on the Tickets link in the top-right corner of the screen.
- If you have been assigned to moderate an event, choose View Order at the bottom of the page.
- To view user reports, click the View User Reports button.
- In order to remove a user’s messages, click the More button to the right of the user whose messages you wish to remove.
- Then click Delete User and Messages.
- If you want to remove a user and their messages, click Yes.
- After clicking Done, click OK.
Reporting and removing users and chat messages from an event lobby
A user can be reported and/or removed from an event lobby by an event owner or moderator.
How to enable or disable lobby or expo chat from the Control Panel
A host or moderator of an event can enable or disable lobby and expo chats from the Control Panel under the Control tab.
- Log into Zoom Events and sign in.
- You can manage your account by clicking the Manage button in the top-right corner.
- The Events menu is on the left side of the page.
- Find the event in which lobby and expo chats should be enabled or disabled.
- To access analytics and control, click the ellipses next to the event.
- The Control tab will appear.
- In the Chat section:
- Lobby can be enabled or disabled by clicking the toggle.
- Expo can be enabled or disabled by clicking the toggle.
How to report and remove a user from an event lobby
A user can be reported and removed from an event lobby by following the steps below:
- Click on the Report and Remove button located in the bottom-left corner of the lobby.
- You can find out where the problem occurred by clicking the Where did the problem occur? If the problem occurred in a particular area, select that area from the drop-down menu.
- What is the name of the person who you wish to report? In the box to the right, you will need to confirm the name of the user who you would like to report.
- You can find out what happened by clicking on the What happened? Select the option you believe best reflects the reason for reporting the user from the drop-down menu, then click on it.
- You will be able to remove the report by clicking on the Report button.
- You will need to click on the User tab.
- Please click on the Continue button to proceed.
- Upon clicking yes, the user will be reported and removed from the list.
- When you are finished, click the Done button.
How to remove a user from an event lobby
A user can only be removed from an event lobby by following these steps:
- You can remove your account by clicking Report and Remove in the bottom-left corner of the lobby.
- To find out where the problem occurred, click On the Where Did It Happen? Select the location where the problem occurred from the drop-down menu.
- If you would like to report someone, please tell us who it is. Check the box next to the user’s name you want to report.
- To find out what happened, click What happened? Choosing the appropriate option from the drop-down menu allows you to accurately convey the reason for reporting the user.
- Remove the report by clicking Report and Remove.
- Select User.
- Remove the user without submitting a Zoom incident report by clicking the Report to Zoom toggle.
- Continue by clicking here.
- Remove the user by clicking Yes.
- Then click Done.
How to report and remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
An event lobby can be reported and removed if all messages sent by the user are reported and removed:
- If you are in the lobby, click Report and Remove in the bottom-left corner.
- On the Where did the problem occur? Page, click the Where did the problem occur? In the drop-down menu, select the location of the problem, and then click on it.
- In the Who do you want to report section, please specify who you want to report. Please confirm the name of the user you wish to report in the box provided.
- Click on the What happened? Button to find out what happened. You can choose either the right or the left option from the drop-down menu, depending on what the reason is for reporting the user.
- In the Report and Remove window, click the Report button.
- Select All messages by this user from the drop-down list.
- Please click on the Continue button to continue.
- After you have clicked Yes, you will be able to report and remove the user’s message.
- Please click on the Done button to complete the process.
How to remove all chat messages sent by a user from an event lobby
A user can remove all messages which have been sent to an event by that user only by following these steps:
- On the lobby’s bottom-left corner, you will find the option to Click on Report and Remove.
- To find out where the problem occurred, click on the Where did the problem occur? You will be able to select the location of the problem by using the drop-down menu.
- If you are reporting someone, please fill out the Who do you want to report? Please confirm that you want to report the specific user by clicking the confirmation box.
- You can find out what happened by clicking on the What happened? If you are reporting a user for a specific reason, you will be able to choose the appropriate option from a drop-down menu.
- Then click the Report and Remove button.
- Click on the box that says All messages sent by this user.
- There is an option to delete all messages that have been sent by the user, but without having to submit an incident report to Zoom, when you click the Report to Zoom toggle.
- Please click on the Continue button to continue.
- Remove User Messages by clicking the Yes button.
- When you are done, click the Done button.
How to remove a user and all chat messages sent by the user from an event lobby
An event can be deleted by removing a user and all messages they sent:
- Click Report and Remove in the lobby’s bottom-left corner.
- You can find out where the problem occurred by clicking the Where did it occur? Choose the location of the problem from the drop-down menu.
- What is the name of the person you wish to report? You must confirm the user’s name in the box.
- To find out what happened, click What happened? Choosing the best option from the drop-down menu will help you describe why you’re reporting the user.
- Remove the report by clicking the Report button.
- The user’s messages will appear when you click User.
- Continue by clicking Continue.
- Remove the user and message by clicking Yes, Send Report.
- Then click Done.