Hubs are a group of events created by a group of hosts that provides information about upcoming, current, and past events. As a means of separating events that are related to a particular topic, hubs are ideal. You can create hubs on Zoom Events if you hold a Zoom Events license.
For the purpose of setting up a Zoom Events hub, a Zoom Events license is required. I would recommend that you contact your Zoom account’s administrator if you do not hold a Zoom Events license.
- As a host, one of the first steps you need to take when starting with Zoom Events is to publish your account’s default hub in order to be able to create events. The default hub for your account can be published by going to the Manage tab and clicking on the Publish button.
- In order to create a Zoom Events hub, you must be using the Organizer Mode while you are creating the events.
- Adding a payments account to a hub means that you will be able to publish paid events to the hub once the hub has been created. It is not possible for your hub to be able to publish paid events if you haven’t added a payments account.
- It is important to note that while Zoom Events are generally available throughout the world, whether a user can register for and attend an event, as well as whether the user is able to host free and/or paid events, depends on where the user resides in the world.
There are several topics covered in this article, including:
- How to set up your default hub
- Hub Branding settings
- How to create a Zoom Events hub
- How to create additional hubs
- How to create a new event in your hub
- How to find events associated with your hub
- How to manage your hub
Prerequisites for creating a Zoom Events hub
- Zoom desktop client
- Windows: 5.7.6 or higher
- macOS: 5.7.6 or higher
- Zoom mobile client
- iOS: 5.7.6 or higher
- Android: 5.7.6 or higher
- There are four types of accounts: Professional, Business, Enterprise, and Education
- Event licenses for Zoom are available for purchase
- The version 5.7.6 of Zoom Events does support Zoom Events, but it may cause a blank lobby environment for hosts due to a dependency with Windows’ Webview package for Windows platform.
- It is strongly recommended that hosts update to the most recent version of the Zoom desktop client/mobile application in order to be able to take advantage of the latest Zoom Events and Webinar features.
How to set up your default hub
- It is essential that if you are a first-time user, you make sure that your Zoom account has billing information configured and that a Zoom Events license has been assigned to your account.
- The default hub must be published by a user on the account before any events can be added to it.
- You must ensure that the Organizer Mode is enabled on your computer.
- Using your Zoom web portal account, you can sign in to Zoom Events.
- Click the Manage button in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Hub Branding from the left navigation menu at the top of the page.
In the next few seconds, you will receive prompts with instructions on how to set up the hub. - Fill in all the required hub fields according to the prompts and follow the prompts.
- Once you have entered all the necessary information, click the Publish button when you are done.
Your hub can now be customized, events can be added to your hub, and additional hubs can also be added.
Note: Your default hub will be added to the list of owned hubs with every license you have on your account once this hub has been published.
Hub Branding settings
With the Hub Branding section, you will be able to customize each specific setting in order to achieve the look and feel you desire for your hub.
Find your hub in the left navigation menu on the left side of the screen. As soon as you have accessed your hub’s controls, you will see the following options:
- In the left navigation menu, next to the hub name, you will be able to see the hub’s avatar photo. Additionally, it will be shown on the hub’s public profile page and the event lobbies and profiles within the conference.
- On the public profile page of the hub, as well as on the event lobbies and details pages for each event, the hub name will be displayed.
- You can control the Visibility of your hub in order to determine who you want to see it.
- In case you select Public, any person with the hub’s link can go to the public profile page of the hub and follow it if they have the hub’s link.
- As long as you select Internal, your account will only be able to see the hub if you select that option. Users with the same Zoom account can then follow the hub by simply logging into their Zoom account.
- You have the option of setting up the Contact Email, which will be displayed publicly on your hub’s public profile page next to the social media icons. If the Contact Email is set up, this email will be publicly visible on your hub’s public profile page. Visitors can use the email address in the footer of the hub page to contact the hub owner, and attendees can also use the mail icon to contact the hub owner.
Note: - As long as your Zoom account is linked to an email address, Zoom will continue to contact you through that email address.
- The following categories can be selected for your hub from the Category drop-down menu:
- Educating and raising a family is one of our primary focuses
- Networking and Business Development
- Arts & Entertainment – Music, Film, and Literature
- In the area of food and drink, there is a lot to enjoy
- Taking care of your physical and mental health is a priority
- In the category of Home & Lifestyle, you will find
- A sense of community and spirituality is an important part of our lives.
- Among other things,In your hub’s public profile page, you will be able to select a category that you would like to display. By telling attendees what types of events your hub will be hosting, they will be able to know what to expect from your hub.
- If you decide to add the Tags option to your hub, you will be able to add certain keywords or phrases to your hub and they will be displayed in the public profile area of your hub.
- In the Description box, make a brief summary of what your hub is all about. On your hub’s public profile page, your hub description will be displayed along with the hub description.
- As you can see on the public profile page of your hub, there is a Zoom Events logo which can be customized in the top right corner. Your own logo or a logo of your choice can be uploaded to the site.
Note: We recommend that you use only JPG/JPEG files with a maximum size of 300×56 pixels. There is a limit of 2 MB on the size of the image. - On your hub’s public profile page, your Hub Masthead will appear as the largest photo that is displayed. As the largest element on your hub, you will be able to brand it with your logo.
Note: Only JPG/JPEG files with a resolution of 744×484 pixels are recommended for uploading. It is recommended that you upload images no larger than 10 MB in size. - In the area where the masthead traditionally appears, attendees will be able to play a quick video about the hub by clicking on the Video option under the masthead.
Note: It is recommended that videos not exceed 60 seconds in length. MP4 files are the only video files that will be accepted, with a maximum size of 50MB. - It is possible to link the Social Profile option to the various social media accounts that may be associated with your hub. A public profile page for the hub displays a list of social profiles as icons.
How to create a Zoom Events hub
The first step in creating a hub is to obtain a Zoom Events license that has been assigned to you.
The process of creating a hub can be summarized as follows:
- Join Zoom Events by signing in with your Zoom account.
- You will find the Manage button in the top-right corner of the page.
- Click the plus + Create New Hub button located on the left hand side of the page.
There will be a pop-up window that appears when you click Create a Hub. - The name of the hub needs to be entered in the pop-up window that appears.
- To create a new account, click the Create button.
- You have the option of entering the email address of the new contact for your hub in the Add Email field, then clicking Send Code. This email address will be used by Zoom to send you a verification code for your account.
Notes:There will be a public display of this email on your hub if you choose to do so. You can be contacted by visitors using the email address you enter in the contact form.- As long as you have a Zoom account associated with your email address, Zoom will continue to contact you through that email address.
- Category: You can choose which category the hub will fall under by clicking on the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
- Add Tags: If you would like to track your own tags, feel free to do so.
- Description: You will need to describe the hub in a few words.
- Hub Logo: The hub logo can be uploaded by clicking the + button. The recommended size for the image is 300×56 pixels.
- Note: The file that can be used must be a JPG/JPEG file that does not exceed 2 MB in size.
- Hub Masthead
- Cover Image: You can upload a cover image by hovering your mouse over the image and clicking the Change Image button. The recommended size for the image should be 744 x 484.
- Note:This can only be done by using a JPG/JPEG/PNG file that does not exceed 10MB in size.
- Video: Adding a video to your hub is as simple as clicking the + Add Video button.
- Notes:
- A maximum of 60 seconds of video can be uploaded, and a maximum of 50 megabytes can be uploaded. There is a restriction on the type of file that can be submitted.
- Hub owners and hub managers will be allowed to upload up to 100 videos every 30 days, but the hub profile page will only display one video at a time if there is more than one video being uploaded.
- Social Profile
- (Optional) Website: It is a good idea to add a link to a site that has something to do with the hub.
- (Optional) Twitter: If you have a Twitter account that is relevant to the hub, you may want to add a link to that account.
- (Optional) Instagram: Include a link to a related Instagram account that is related to the hub in the description.
- Please make sure you have a Facebook account (optional): It would be a good idea to include a link to a Facebook account that has something to do with the hub.
- (Optional) LinkedIn: It would be helpful if you could add a link to a LinkedIn account associated with the hub.
- It is optional to include a YouTube video: If there is a YouTube channel related to the hub that you would like to link to, please do so.
- You have the option of entering the email address of the new contact for your hub in the Add Email field, then clicking Send Code. This email address will be used by Zoom to send you a verification code for your account.
- Publish the document by clicking on the Publish button.
How to create additional hubs
- Join Zoom Events by signing in with your Zoom account.
- Click the Manage button in the top right corner of the page.
- Click the dropdown menu on the left side of the page, then click + New Hub from the dropdown menu that appears.
There will be a pop-up window that appears when you click Create a Hub. - Enter the name of your hub in the text box on the pop-up window that appears.
- Then click on the Create button.
- Make sure you fill in all the required fields in your hub and customize it as much as possible.
- You can now publish the article by clicking the Publish button.
The events can now be created for your hub, and hosts and hub managers can also be added to the hub.
How to create a new event in your hub
In order for the event you create to be associated with a Zoom Event hub, you will need to create a hub first, in order to select the hub to which you would like the event to belong.
How to find events associated with your hub
Using the following steps, you will be able to see what events are associated with your hub, as well as the total number of events:
- Join Zoom Events by signing in with your Zoom account.
- Click the Manage button in the top-right corner of the page when you are on the page.
- Choose the hub you want to manage from the dropdown menu in the left navigation menu by clicking on the hub dropdown menu.
- You can manage the event listings of the hub by clicking on the Event Listings tab.
- Using your hub, you will be able to view upcoming events and past events that relate to your hub.
How to manage your hub
Once you have created a hub, you will be able to manage your hub’s branding, events, users, and on-demand recordings once you have created it. You can also track your hub’s analytics for any upcoming events as well as those that have taken place in the past. As well as managing your payments, billing information and setting cancellation policies for your hub, you can also manage your billing information.