By using the Cloud Room Connector, when you are logged into a Zoom meeting using your H.323 or SIP device, you will have the option to control the Zoom meeting via DTMF tones, like changing the layout of the video, starting and stopping the video, muting and unmuting it.
- A Zoom meeting can be joined by a smartphone or tablet with H.323 or SIP capabilities
- In order to use some of the menu features, you will need to be the host of the meeting in order to access them.
The main Zoom meeting menu can be accessed by pressing 1 via DTMF tones when you are in a Zoom meeting. In order to send DTMF tones on some devices, you may have to toggle the remote control to make it work.
- Polycom:
- DTMF tones can be activated by pressing the # key on the keypad
- Tandberg:
- It is necessary to press # in order to activate the “Touch Tones” feature.
- Lifesize:
- In order to switch between presets and DTMF mode, you need to press the button
- Sony:
- To activate DTMF mode, press the * key, then press Enter to exit it. (When in DTMF mode, the microphone will not be active at all).
- Aver:
- If you wish to switch between the DTMF mode and the camera presets on the remote control, you will need to press the Far/Near button.
In order to access the main menu, use the remote control to:
- To change the layout of the video, press 1 on the keyboard. Here are some tips on how you can change the layout of your video.
Note: The video layout of the video will be changed to either Gallery view and Active speaker view if dual-screen views have been enabled or Gallery view across both displays if dual-screen views have been enabled. - To unmute your microphone, press the 2 key on your keyboard.
- You can raise or lower your hand by pressing the 3 button.
- You can start or stop your camera feed by pressing the number 4.
- To start or stop the recording, press the 5 key on your keyboard.
Note: It is necessary that you are the meeting host in order to record the meeting. You can learn more about how to become the host of the meeting by clicking here if you are interested in participating. - To view the list of participants, press 6 on the keyboard.
- You will be able to view the Meeting Host Options by pressing the 7 key
Note: Before accessing this menu, if you have not entered your Host Key before joining the meeting, you will be prompted to enter your Host Key before gaining access to it. - You can listen to translational audio channels and view the interpreted text by pressing 8 in order to enable Language Interpretation.
- There is a button on the device that, when pressed, will allow you to access meeting information which includes the Meeting ID, the meeting passcode, encryption status, as well as the location of the current data center the device is connected to.
- You can view more options by pressing 0 if you wish.
- In order to close the menu, press the * key.
There is an additional options menu that can be accessed by pressing 0 while on the Main Menu. Using the remote control, once you are in the additional options menu, you can follow these steps:
- The Dual Screen Mode can be changed by pressing the 1 key. The video channel is able to send a single stream of content instead of both content and video over the video channel at the same time. Using this method, you can switch between video and content if you are not able to receive both simultaneously through your provider.
Note: The dual-screen option should also be enabled if you are using video feeds that are displayed on two screens at the same time. - The names of the participants can be shown or hidden on the participants’ video feeds by pressing the 2 key.
- When you enter the room, you can mute the participants by pressing the number 3.
Note: If you want to mute participants upon entering the meeting, you will need to be the meeting host. Please click here if you would like to learn more about how you can become a meeting host. - You can go to the previous screen of participants when you are in Gallery View, if not all of the participants are displayed on one screen.
- The non-video participants can be shown or hidden by pressing the button 5.
- You can go to a different screen by pressing 6 when you are in Gallery View if not all participants appear on one screen at one time.
- The chat messages will be displayed on the display if you press 7 to show or hide them from appearing on the display.
This option overrides the preconfigured state of the in-meeting chat visibility default for the duration of the meeting, if the in-meeting chat visibility default is preconfigured. - Closed captioning can be turned on or off by pressing the number 8.
- When viewing the content of a screen share, you will have the option of displaying or hiding the active speaker window by pressing 9.
- In order to access additional options, press 0 on your keyboard:
- You can mute your audio by pressing 1 on your keyboard.
- You can mute or unmute your audio by pressing the 2 key on your keyboard.
- The menu can be closed by pressing the * key.
How to use the SIP/H.323 host options
During the Main Menu, if you press the 7 button, you will be given access to the Host’s options. The host key is required in order to be able to use the options within the meeting. As soon as you access the host menu, you will be prompted to enter the Host Key if the Host Key was not entered when you joined the meeting.
Among the options available to the Host are:
- The meeting can be locked or unlocked by pressing the 1 key.
- The recording can be started or stopped by pressing the 2 key.
- It is possible to view the current participants in a meeting by pressing the number 3. In the participant menu, you will find the following options available to you:
- The Waiting Room can be viewed by pressing 1 if you would like to see only participants in that area.
- The Waiting Room can be accessed by pressing 0 in order to admit all participants.
- The menu can be closed by pressing the * key
- Upon entering the room, you can mute participants by pressing the number 4.
- To end the meeting, you will need to press the number 5.
- All participants can be muted by pressing the number 6.
- All participants can be unmuted by pressing the 7 key.
- The Waiting Room can be enabled or disabled by pressing the 8 key.
- The menu can be closed by pressing the * key.
Read it also –
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enable SIP in Zoom meeting?
How to pre-configure SIP/H. 323 for Room Connectors
The Zoom web portal can be accessed by signing in to your account.
Click on the Room Management link in the navigation menu.
Please click on the H. 323/SIP Room Connector to get started.
Select the Configuration tab from the menu.
The name that will appear on the videos will be determined by which option you select:…
Save the file by clicking on the Save button.
Does Zoom support H 323?
Using an H. 323, SIP, or an H. 323 device, a person can make a video call to a Zoom cloud meeting Room Connector and join the Zoom meeting remotely. There is also the possibility for a Room Connector to call out to a 323 or SIP device in order to join a Zoom cloud meeting that is taking place
How do I dial a SIP address from Zoom?
To start the call out process, click the Call Out tab. The IP address or SIP URI of the device must be entered, or select a device from the H. 323 device or SIP device, or select a device from the H. 323/SIP Rooms Directory in order to view the device.
Does Zoom support SIP calls?
Zoom Rooms are capable of making a call-out to one SIP/H at a time. At any given time, 323 devices are being supported. For meetings with multiple SIP/H. A license will be needed for each of the 323 devices that are part of the account if it contains 323 devices.
What is SIP in Zoom?
SIP is a protocol for video conferencing that is based entirely on the session initiation protocol (SIP) that is the basis for video conferencing over the Internet. The SIP protocol is a signaling protocol that allows users to establish, maintain, modify, and close data connections that are implemented over the Internet.
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