Next meeting reminder in Zoom Meeting App

Reminder sends reminders for upcoming meetings and allows you to join the meeting with one click.

If you are using Calendar Integration (if it is integrated with Calendar), Zoom reminds you about your hosted and invited meetings.

You can change the settings to send reminders 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes before the meeting.

This page explains the following items.

  • Enable reminder for next meeting
    • For my account
    • In the case of a group
    • For your own meeting
  • Use reminders for next meeting

Enable reminder for next meeting

Set at account level

  • Sign in to the Zoom web portal as the account owner or administrator, Account Settings ] and then click.
  • Go to the Meetings tab and change the With Next Meeting Reminder feature to blue.

  •  (Optional) If you want this setting to be mandatory for all users in your account, click the lock icon to lock it.

Set in a specific group

  • Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an account owner or administrator and click Group Management .
  • Click the group name and then click the Settings tab.
  • Go to the Meetings tab and change the With Next Meeting Reminder feature to blue.

  • If the toggle is grayed out, it is locked at the account level and you need to change the permissions at that level.(Optional) If you want this setting to be mandatory for all users in this group, click the lock icon to lock it.

Enable reminders for your own scheduled meetings

  • Sign in to the Zoom web portal and navigate to Meeting Settings .
  • Go to the Meetings tab and change the With Next Meeting Reminder feature to blue.

Note :  If the option is grayed out, it is locked at the group or account level and you will need to contact your Zoom administrator.

Read it also –

How To Enable Zoom Rooms Upcoming Meeting Reminder
Next Meeting Announcement In Zoom App

Use reminders for next meeting

Windows / Mac

The next time you turn on meeting reminders in the Zoom web portal, you will need to automatically turn on the Zoom client after you sign out of the client and sign in again. However, if you have not received a reminder, or want to adjust when receiving a reminder, please follow the steps below.

  1. In the Zoom desktop client, click on the profile image and click on settings.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Check the Tell me before X minutes of next meeting option.
  4.  (Optional) If you need to be notified about your next meeting early, select the desired time from the drop-down menu.

When a meeting reminder is displayed

The reminder will send a reminder at the selected time. You can click the meeting’s Start or Join, or click X to close the reminder.

Frequently Asked Questions


You can choose what kind of notifications you want to receive
  1. Join Zoom Events by signing in with your Zoom account.
  2. Click on the profile picture in your profile.
  3. In the Notifications section, click the Notifications button.
  4. Click on the Settings button.
  5. As you can see on the right hand side, you have a number of options to choose from. You need to check the check boxes next to the notifications you would like to receive under Zoom Events and/or Email.
You need to log into your Zoom account by visiting and following the instructions.
  1. Select Meetings from the drop-down menu.
  2. To edit an existing meeting, simply click on its name from the list of meetings.
  3. Click on the Edit This Meeting button at the top of the screen.
  4. As soon as you click on Edit, you will be asked if you wish to edit all of the recurring meetings at once. If you agree, you will be given the option to do so. …
  5. Simply click the drop-down menu labeled “Recurrence” to change the recurrence of the task, and make changes to how often the task recurs.
It is possible to turn off all push notifications that are sent by Zoom Chat
  1. Click on the Zoom icon to open it.
  2. You can access Zoom from the top-right corner of your screen by clicking on the Zoom icon.
  3. The next step is to hit the Settings button.
  4. Once you have navigated to the Chat Tab, you will see the following screen.
  5. Once the Push Notifications section has been opened, scroll down to where it says Push Notifications.
  6. As you can see, there are two options that you can choose from here. If you mark Nothing, all messages sent via Zoom chat will be deleted immediately.
Zoom app can be opened by going to the settings section of the app. Now, when you select an existing chat room from the list, a new window will appear for you to select the message notifications settings. Scroll down until you find them at the bottom and click on the optional setting. Once the notification category window of the Zoom app has been opened, you will see an option labeled Sound which you can tap on and select a ringtone for your Zoom app.
At the bottom of this page, you will find a link called Schedule a New Meeting that you can click on.
  1. The meeting information needs to be entered into the meeting form.
  2. In the meeting, the “Topic” will give us a clear idea of what we will be discussing. It is important to have a clear understanding of the class assignment and semester if it is for a class. …
  3. Make sure the “Recurring meeting” option is selected.
  4. Recurrence can be selected in the Recurrence section by simply selecting “No Fixed Time”.

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