Customizing audio greetings and prompts In Zoom App

Zoom Phone offers a large audio library where you can choose from. Add custom audio to your extensions’ audio prompts and greetings by recording it or uploading it. Usually, the audio prompts and greetings are played before calling is switched to another extension.

Within your account, you may customize the audio for extensions. For more information, click the links embedded in this article.


  • It is also possible to customise the default sound of the extension.
  • The greeting set for one extension will override the one for another extension when routing to another extension’s voicemail, when auto receptionist‘s, call queue’s, or IVR’s voicemail greetings are set. In order to use the phone user‘s current greeting instead of selecting a replacement when routing to a voicemail of that user, select Follow User Voicemail Greeting when routing to their voicemail dropdown menu.

Prerequisites for Customizing audio greetings and prompts

  • Accounts for business, education, or pro
  • Users who are able to own or administrate an account
  • For a Zoom Phone subscription

Auto receptionists

  • Greeting prompt: When your office is closed or during the hours your office is open you can have this play before the automatically answering machine takes the call.
  • Voicemail Greeting: Plays before the voicemail is routed to one of the auto-receptionist’s voicemail boxes or a customer’s extension.
  • Message: When this message is played, the call is hung up.

Find out more about how auto-receptionist settings work.


  • Audio prompt: Following an associated auto receptionist’s greeting prompt, the IVR plays its audio prompt. Callers will hear an explanation of the IVR menu.
    Note: To avoid playing multiple audio prompts for callers, you can disable audio prompts if your IVR system has multiple levels.
  • Voicemail Greeting: Played before routing callers to an extension’s voicemail box.

Discover how IVR settings work.

Call queues

  • Greeting Prompt: It is played before the caller is routed based on the method by which the call is distributed.
    Note: For information on notes on call queue greeting prompts, please refer to the comparison of call routing methods.
  • Audio While Connecting: The inbound caller waits patiently for a member to be available before there can be a connection.
  • Music on Hold: When a call queue member places the inbound caller on hold by placing them on hold, this playback begins.
  • A voicemail greeting is played before a voicemail inbox of an extension is forwarded, or any option beginning with Greeting & Menu.
  • Leave voicemail instruction: The voicemail greeting will be followed by a text message. As part of this text message, instructions should be included on how to leave voicemail. Here is an example of what you should put in the text message.
  • Recording disclaimer prompt (Play a prompt to call participants when the recording has started):
  • Notifies call participants (at either the ad hoc or automatic recording) that the call is going to be recorded.

Find out more about how to set up a call queue.

Shared line groups

  • Voicemail Greeting or any option that begins with Greeting & Menu:
  • This is played before the message is routed to an extension’s voicemail inbox.
  • Leave voicemail instruction:
  • This plays after the greeting that appears at the top. During this greeting, instructions on how to leave a voice mail message should be included. An example of a voice mail greeting can be heard below.

Find out more about setting up a shared line group.

Phone users

  • Invoice greetings and hold music: Administrators can access the same settings available to users for invoice greetings and hold music for invoices.
  • A recording disclaimer prompt will be played, when the recording is going to start, to call participants to participate.
  • A conversation is likely to be recorded (either automatically or ad-hoc). Participants are advised of this.

Account-level audio

In the account settings, you have the option to change the default audio prompts and greeters.

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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I change my greeting on Zoom?

You can change the greeting on your voicemail by following these steps

  1. Zoom Web Portal is now available to you. Please sign in to access it.

  2. You can access the settings menu by clicking Phone in the navigation menu.

  3. The Audio Library can be found under the Call Handling section.

  4. You can add audio by clicking the Add Audio button.

  5. Greetings can be recorded or files can be uploaded.

What is Zoom voice prompt?

As a standard feature, when an audio recording is in progress, participants who choose to join by telephone will hear a voice prompt instructing them that a recording is underway. A Zoom meeting can be muffled automatically when audio or video is being recorded or live streamed. This can be accomplished by turning off the video and mutting the microphones of participants when they join a meeting while a recording or live streaming is ongoing.

How do I edit audio library in Zoom?

The audio library can be accessed by clicking on the link below. The first step is to select a file from your audio library that you already have. The option to edit the display name of the audio file, play the audio file, download the audio file, or delete the audio file is available when you hover your mouse over an audio file.

Where is Zoom audio Library?

You will need to sign into the Zoom website. Click on Contact Center Management and then Asset Library from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen. To add audio, click on the Add button and then click on Audio.

How do you make a chorus for zoom?

Click on the “Activate” button at the bottom of your Chorus Integrations tab and you will see that the Native Zoom Integration is already active. You can now click on the blue “Activate” button. In order to pre-authorize Chorus to join your Zoom call natively, you will need to select “Activate” once you have selected “Get Started”. Upon clicking the authorize button, you will be greeted with a success message.

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