Zoom Webinar Rehearsal (Practical Session Function)
Zoom Webinar Rehearsal (Practical Session Function)?
The host and the panelist can operate and prepare the Zoom control to get familiar with the operation before starting the webinar.
Requirements for doing a practice session
- Webinar registration (creation)
or - Have a webinar license and can create webinars from this
How to use the practice session function
- Enable the Practice Sessions feature when scheduling a webinar.
Access My Webinar and click Schedule Webinar. - Scroll down to the webinar option and check Enable Practical Session.
- Start a webinar.
- To start, open the client Meeting and click Start.
- Or, access My Webinar from the web and click Start.
- When the webinar starts, the hands-on session begins.
- The orange banner at the top of the meeting host window shows that it is dedicated to practicing mode.
- Note: Attendees can not attend meetings during hands-on webinar sessions.
- Once the preparation and planning are complete, click Broadcast to start the webinar production.
At this point, attendees can join the webinar.
A green notification banner appears temporarily indicating that the webinar has been delivered to all attendees.
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I purchased a webinar license, but I can’t use the webinar feature. Please tell me how to make it usable.