Viewing the Zoom Phone location tracking dashboard
It is possible to access emergency location tracking data for the entire account or a specific site through the Zoom Phone location tracking dashboard. By viewing metrics, you will be able to see how many phone users have opted in or opted out of sharing their locations in the past. This refers to the fact that there are clients who have the option of allowing or disallowing “share my location for emergency calls”. Using the drill-down feature, you are able to find out which users have opted in and which ones have not.
This dashboard can also be used to re-trigger the pop-up that appears to all or some users with no opt-in to the location tracking, so that they are asked for permission in order to track their location.
There may be a delay in showing newly updated data on this dashboard due to recent updates. It may take several hours for an update to be completed in some cases.
There are several topics covered in this article, including:
- How to access the Zoom Phone location tracking dashboard
- Dashboard sections and metrics
- Nomadic Emergency Services
- Users Permission for Location Sharing
- Default Emergency Address
- Detectable Personal Location
- Real-time Location for Users / Real-time Location for IP Phones
- How to re-trigger the prompt for location sharing
- Additional information on Zoom Phone dashboard
Prerequisites for using the nomadic emergency services dashboard
- License for Zoom Phones is required
- The account owner or administrator must have the following privileges:
- Configuration of a nomad emergency service
- Set up of emergency numbers and addresses
- Zoom desktop client version 5.4.7 or higher is required for users to use the Zoom phone app
How to access the Zoom Phone location tracking dashboard
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal by entering your email address and password.
- Click on Dashboard from the navigation menu at the top of the page.
- The Zoom Phone tab will appear once you click on it.
- The Location Tracking tab can be accessed by clicking on it.
- Click on the drop-down menu at the top if you have more than one site and you would like to filter the data according to the site you have selected.
Dashboard sections and metrics
As part of the nomadic emergency services dashboard, you will be able to access the following sections and metrics.
Nomadic Emergency Services
This page displays a percentage of users that have enabled nomadic emergency services as part of their profile. The policy settings can be enabled at the site-level (if your account has multiple sites) or at the account-level (if you have multiple accounts).
- It is possible to view a list of phone users who have been enabled or disabled for nomadic emergency services by clicking Details or by hovering over a portion of the pie chart in which case you will click Drill in.
Users Permission for Location Sharing
In the Zoom desktop client, this column displays the percentage of users who have enabled nomadic emergency services and have allowed location sharing to be used. Therefore, once the user enabled nomadic emergency services, he or she clicked Allow when prompted to authorise Zoom access to their location by Zoom after enabling nomadic emergency services.
- When the pie chart is shown in Details, click a portion of it and then click Drill in to see a list of the phone users that have allowed or disallowed location sharing for their apps. It is possible to re-trigger the prompt for users who do not wish to share their location with others.
Default Emergency Address
Contains a percentage of users who have provided a default personal emergency address rather than using the default site address or default account address as their primary address for emergencies.
- You can view a list of phone users that provided or did not provide a default personal emergency address by clicking Details or hovering over a portion of the pie chart, then clicking Drill in from the list of phone users.
Detectable Personal Location
Share of users with at least one detectable personal location, as well as network data associated with this location, is shown. It means that the phone user is either in a detectable location you added, or they added a personal emergency address to a network and confirmed that address for the network to record it as a personal emergency address.
- To view a list of phone users who have or do not have a detectable personal location, click Details, hover over a portion of the pie chart and then click Drill in.
Real-time Location for Users / Real-time Location for IP Phones
Shows the percentage of the number of desk phones or phone users that are currently detected to be at a known location as a result of a detection. To appear on this dashboard section, phone users must have the Zoom desktop client open on their computer and be signed in to their account in order to appear on this chart.
- In order to view a list of the phone users or desk phones in the pie chart, click Snapshot, hover over a portion of the pie chart, then click Drill in. The top-left corner of the window has a drop-down menu which allows you to choose one of the following filters:
- Company Locations: Users in a detectable location in the organization will be displayed on the list of phone users or desk phones.
- Personal Locations: If a phone or desk phone is located in a detectable location, it will be displayed for phone users or desk phones.
- Unknown Locations: If a phone user or desk phone is not in a detectable location, then display the number. To perform one of the following tasks, click Edit Location in the right-side column of the screen:
- Assign the emergency address from the network data to the existing address that is already associated with the network
- Assign the new location to the network data and define a new description for it
How to re-trigger the prompt for location sharing
In order to receive an email notification on your mobile device, you need to re-trigger the prompt for location sharing. In the email notification, a link will be provided for users to access the instructions on how to enable location sharing on their phones.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal by entering your email address and password.
- The Dashboard can be accessed by clicking the Dashboard link in the navigation menu.
- The Zoom Phone tab can be accessed by clicking on it.
- In order to track your location, you will need to click the Location Tracking tab.
- The drop-down menu at the top of the page allows you to filter data by site, if you have multiple sites.
- Hover over a red portion of the pie chart to view a list of phone users who have disallowed the phone from sharing their location. Once you click Drill In, you will be able to see a list of users who have disallowed location sharing on their phone.
- The following options are available to you:
- Please click the Re-trigger All button above the table if you wish to re-trigger the prompt for all of the phone numbers in the list.
- Select the check boxes next to each phone user you wish to re-trigger the prompt for, and then click Re-trigger Selected above the table to re-trigger the prompt for them only.
Additional information on Zoom Phone dashboard
It is possible to review quality of service data, adoption and usage data using these dashboard articles to make in-depth analyses.
Read it also –
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you see location on Zoom call?
Zoom Phone’s location tracking dashboard contains overall emergency tracking information for all sites in the account, or it contains specific emergency tracking information for a specific site. By looking at metrics, you will be able to see how many users have opted in/opted out of the location sharing feature on their phones.
How do I view Zoom dashboard?
The Zoom web portal can be accessed by logging into the Zoom website. You will find the Dashboard under the navigation panel. You will find the Meetings option at the top of your Dashboard screen. In order to access the historical data of previous meetings, click the Past Meetings link (optional)
Can Zoom host track your IP address?
As described in Zoom’s privacy policies, it is the company’s policy to collect reams of data about you, including your name, your physical address, your email address, your telephone number, your job title, and the employer you work for. Regardless of whether you create an account at Zoom, it will still collect and keep your IP address and the type of device you use, even if you don’t create an account.
How do I turn off location on Zoom?
Firstly, you’ll want to go into your Settings and select the Security and Location option. After you have navigated to the Privacy section of the screen, you can click on Location by scrolling down until it is visible. Upon navigating to the page, you’ll be able to toggle a switch just below the “Use Location” option, allowing you to turn it off if you choose.
Who can view Zoom dashboard?
Who Can See Dashboard and Reports?
Customers with business and education accounts have access to Zoom’s dashboard. All paid accounts, including Pro accounts, have access to reporting, whereas all free accounts do not.
The navigation menu at the bottom of the window allows users to easily manage their meetings, recordings, contacts, and groups by clicking on the relevant heading in the menu. On the menu to the right of your name, you will be able to manage your availability and profile information.
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