Test Zoom Room Setup

You can do the following tests by setting Zoom Rooms without a license

  • Test the Zoom Room Function
  • Video and audio test for transmission and reception

However, what can not be done in the test

When testing or joining a meeting from an unlicensed room, the functionality is limited.

Examples of restricted features.

This article contains the following:

 How to set up a test Zoom room

  1. Install the Zoom Room application on your computer and the Zoom Room application on your controller device.
  2. Open the Zoom Room application on your computer.
  3. Open the Zoom Room app on the controller.
  4. The pairing code is displayed on the computer. Enter this code into the controller.
  5. This will allow the Zoom room to start a test meeting and join the meeting. Please refer to here forhow to set up ZoomRooms .

Read it also –

Testing A Zoom Room Setup
How Do I Setup A Calendar For A Zoom Room
Quick Start Guide For Zoom Phone Setup

How to Start a test meeting

To start a test meeting , tap Start Test Meeting on the controller .

※ The test meeting has limited functions for testing the transmission and reception of video and audio. You can not invite participants, record content, or share content.


How to Attend a meeting

You can join the meeting from an unauthorized room. This allows you to share video and audio, and view the screen you shared with others. You can not invite participants, record content, or share content.

  1. Enter the meeting ID.
  2. Tap the join button.

Frequently Asked Questions


On the controller, you will find an application called Zoom Rooms. On the screen of the computer, you will see a pairing code that needs to be entered. In order to use the controller, you need to enter this code. There is now a Zoom Room available for you to use for testing meetings or for joining existing meetings.
In just 3 simple steps you will be able to configure
  1. The first step in setting up a Zoom Room is to configure it. In order to configure your Zoom settings after you have purchased a Zoom subscription, you must first log into your Zoom account, then click the “Zoom Rooms” tab in the left sidebar, and then select the Zoom Rooms you want to use from the list available.
  2. The hardware needs to be connected. There are several steps that should be taken in order to connect the video monitor to the computer, as well as connecting the camera, microphone, and speakers to the computer.
  3. The software needs to be installed.

Can I test Zoom by myself?

Preparing for a meeting is best done by testing your video in advance before you begin the meeting.
Open the Zoom client on your computer and sign in to it. When you click on the picture of your profile, you will be able to access your settings. To view the video, click on the Video tab at the top of the screen. If another camera is available, you can select the one you would like to use; you will see a preview of what you can expect from the camera that is currently selected.
It is possible to proctor your exams using Zoom, which is one of the options you have. It is important to remember that there is no limit to the number of exams that can be proctored by Zoom, as there are no limits to the number of exams that can be proctored by Zoom. Using zoom proctoring, you will be required to give your exams during the course’s scheduled time in order to qualify for proctoring.
The audio settings can be used for testing audio quality
If you don’t have the setting enabled to automatically join a meeting when you join a meeting, you can test your speaker and microphone before you join the meeting if you have not enabled the automatic joining feature in the meeting settings. Once you have joined a meeting, you will be able to test the speaker and microphone after you click the button on the toolbar.
Choosing “Test speaker and microphone” out of the menu next to “Unmute” (or Join Audio) will be the easiest way to ensure your microphone and speaker are working properly. In order to hear the ringtone on your phone, you need to follow the instructions provided, which means that your speakers are working properly, when you hear the ringtone.

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