An Android device that is managed by a Mobile Device Management (MDM) application can be configured remotely by the system administrator using the Zoom mobile app. By doing so, administrators can either require the use of certain settings or completely disable them.
Through Zoom Device Management, you can enroll and manage your mobile apps, including desktop clients and mobile apps, from a single location. It allows you to control the settings for the mobile apps and desktop clients from a single Zoom web portal.
Find out how to install Zoom for Windows, macOS, and iOS devices using preconfigured settings for your device. Additionally, Zoom’s own Device Management platform can be used to centrally configure the settings for desktop clients and mobile applications.
- 1 Configuring Zoom on Android with MDM requires a few prerequisites
- 2 The configuration options are as follows:
- 3 How to configure Zoom with AirWatch
- 4 How to configure Zoom with G Suite
- 5 How to configuring Zoom with Intune
- 5.1 How to add the Zoom app
- 5.2 How to assign the app to a group and apply a configuration
- 5.3 Frequently Asked Questions
- 5.4 Where is Zoom settings on Android?
- 5.5 How do you Zoom in on Android without downloading an app?
- 5.6 Where is Zoom settings in mobile?
- 5.7 How does Zoom work on Android phone?
- 5.8 How do I change my Zoom app settings?
Configuring Zoom on Android with MDM requires a few prerequisites
- A smartphone or tablet running Android 5 or higher
- Software that provides your enterprise with enterprise mobility management (EMM), for example AirWatch or Microsoft Intune
The configuration options are as follows:
Configuration key | Description | Value type |
Install and update |
mandatory:SetEnrollToken4CloudMDM | Enroll your device into Zoom Device Management with a token provided from the web portal. | String |
Network |
mandatory:choice:DisableCertPin | This will enable Certificate Pinning to be disabled. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:TrustUserInstalledCert | The mobile app will be forced to trust the certificate that you have installed locally. This will bypass the certificate trust prompt. | Boolean |
mandatory:BandwidthLimitUp | – This setting determines the maximum amount of bandwidth to be used for sending by the desktop client. Note: When bandwidth restrictions are set through the web settings, the web restrictions will override any restrictions set through the client settings. |
String (all values in Kbps) |
mandatory:BandwidthLimitDown | This property specifies the maximum limit of bandwidth that can be received by the desktop client. Note: It is a rule of thumb that web settings override restrictions set in the client if bandwidth is restricted through web settings. |
String (all values in Kbps) |
Authentication |
mandatory:choice:DisableFacebookLogin | This will disable the Facebook login feature. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableGoogleLogin | This option will remove Google login. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableLoginWithSSO | This option will Remove SSO login option. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableLoginWithEmail | This option will Remove Email login option. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableKeepSignedInWithSSO | The client will require a new SSO login upon opening. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableKeepSignedInWithGoogle | Disable keeping the user signed in with Google after client startup. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableKeepSignedInWithFacebook | This will force you to login to Facebook again every time you start your computer. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:ForceLoginWithSSO | Defaults login to SSO. | Boolean |
mandatory:SetSSOURL | The URL in which SSO will log you in by default. For example, would be set as “ForceSSOUrl=hooli”. |
String |
mandatory:ForceSSOURL | This command locks the default SSO URL so that it cannot be changed. For example, would be set as “ForceSSOUrl=hooli”. |
String |
mandatory:choice:EnableEmbedBrowserForSSO | This option allows SSO to be performed by using the embedded browser in the client. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableAutoLaunchSSO | Zoom will not allow the launching of the previous SSO URL when the user opens a second Zoom account. This is useful for users with multiple accounts, each having its own SSO URL. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnforceLoginWithMicrosoft | Enforce the use of the Microsoft login feature when logging in. | Boolean |
mandatory:SetAccountIDsRestrictedToJoin | This setting makes it possible to limit the client’s access to only join meetings on behalf of certain account IDs. | String |
mandatory:SetEmailDomainsRestrictedToLogin | If you want to restrict the domains for the email addresses to enter when logging in, you need to separate them with “&”. Example: & |
String |
mandatory:choice:EnableCloudSwitch | – Enabling the option to switch between Zoom commercial (the default) and Zoom for Government. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnforceSignInToJoin | Perform authentication for users before allowing them to join a meeting by using the desktop client. It is possible to authenticate through the web portal if you choose to join using the join URL. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnforceAppSignInToJoin | This option allows you to force users to sign in when joining any meeting on the desktop client. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnforceSignInToJoinForWebinar | If the option is selected, the desktop client should require users to be authenticated in order to participate in the webinar. If you join through the join URL, you will be prompted to authenticate through the web portal. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnforceAppSignInToJoinForWebinar | The desktop client must be authenticated in order to join any webinar using the desktop client. | Boolean |
mandatory:SetDevicePolicyToken | Account authentication is required during internal meetings. | String |
General meeting and client options |
mandatory:choice:AlwaysShowMeetingControls | You need to choose the option Always show meeting controls. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:ShowConfirmDialogWhenWebJoin | This option controls whether Zoom should show a join meeting prompt when users attempt to connect to a meeting via a URL. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableClosedCaptioning | This option disables closed captioning for all content. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableQnA | This option disables the use of questions and answers during webinars. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableMeetingReaction | This option disables the use of Meeting reactions. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableNonVerbalFeedback | You will not be receiving any Non-verbal Feedback. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableWebinarReactions | If checked, Webinar Reactions will be disabled. | Boolean |
Video |
mandatory:choice:DisableReceiveVideo | This option disables receiving video. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableVideoCamera | This will disable the sending of videos. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:TurnOffVideoCameraOnJoin | When joining a meeting, the camera will automatically turn off. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:AutoHideNoVideoUsers | This choice will hide non-video participants by default. | Boolean |
Audio |
mandatory:choice:DisableComputerAudio | By doing so, we will disable the Computer Audio feature in the audio settings for the meeting. | Boolean |
Screen sharing |
mandatory:choice:DisableShareScreen | means that you will not be able to share your screen during meetings and webinars. Note: Choosing this option doesn’t prevent other participants from sharing their screen with you. |
Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableWhiteBoard | This will disable the Whiteboard feature. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableDesktopShare | When you share your screen, you can disable the option for your desktop to be shared. | Boolean |
In-meeting Chat |
mandatory:choice:DisableMeetingChat | This option disables the in-meeting chat feature. | Boolean |
Background and Filters |
mandatory:choice:DisableVirtualBkgnd | This option will disable the Virtual Background functionality. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:DisableVideoFilters | This option disables the video filters. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:EnableAutoReverseVirtualBkgnd | – Enable the automatic reversal of virtual backgrounds post-meeting. | Boolean |
Recording |
mandatory:choice:DisableCloudRecording | This option disables the recording of recordings to the cloud. | Boolean |
Zoom Room and Room System calling |
mandatory:choice:DisableDirectShare | This option disables direct sharing with Zoom Rooms. | Boolean |
Zoom Chat |
mandatory:SetMessengerDoNotDropThread | This command tells the messenger not to drop the thread when a new message is added to it. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:ShowIMMessagePreview | This option will enable you to view the preview of chat messages when they are received in the system notifications. | Boolean |
mandatory:choice:MuteIMNotificationWhenInMeeting | When you are in a meeting, disable IM notification notifications. | Boolean |
Miscellaneous |
mandatory:EmbedDeviceTag | The embedding of device tag strings into all requests made by the Zoom client application is mandatory. It is done by appending the device tag strings to the body of every HTTP request. | String |
mandatory:choice:EnableAutoUploadDumps | This will automatically send dump files to Zoom so that service quality can be enhanced. | Boolean |
- (A) The account owner or administrator should contact Support in order to obtain the account ID for you.
- (B) You will need an account admin or owner to contact Support in order to have this enabled for your account. In order to view/edit Device Policy Management, the account owner must also edit a role on the account. By clicking on Device Policy Management, the account owner can retrieve the required token.
How to configure Zoom with AirWatch
How to add the Zoom app with Google Play Store integration
For those of you who wish to integrate Google Play with your AirWatch account, the following instructions will help you. The AirWatch support site has additional information on this integration if you do not have it.
- Open AirWatch on your computer.
- Under Public Applications, click the Add button.
- Provide the information as follows:
- Platform: Select Android.
- Source: Select Search App Store.
- Name: To search for the Zoom Cloud Meetings application in the Google Play Store, type ‘zoom’.
- Click the Next button.
- Navigate to the Google Play Store and select the Zoom Cloud Meetings application.
- Click on the Approve button and follow the on-screen instructions to add the application.
How to add the Zoom app without Google Play Store Integration
- Click on the AirWatch icon.
- Then click Public Application, and then click Add.
- You will see the following information:
- Platform: Select Android.
- URL: Go to the Google Play Store and locate the Zoom app by typing the URL into the search bar
- (
- Please click on the Next button.
- This will allow you to identify the Zoom app by its name.
- Then click the Save and Assign button.
How to assign the app to a group and apply a configuration
- Click on the Add Assignment button.
- Please select a group you wish to apply the configuration to from the Assignment Groups field.
- If you would like to automatically configure certain app settings for users when they log in, then select Enabled next to Application Configuration.
- Make sure to specify any configuration options that are required.
Note : Make sure that all fields are filled out so that you can add the configuration. If you leave a field blank, you will not be able to do so. - Click on Add.
- Then click Save and Publish to deploy the application.
How to configure Zoom with G Suite
How to add the Zoom app
- Access the G Suite admin console by signing in to your G Suite account.
- Select the App Management option from the left-hand panel.
- From the left-hand panel, click the Manage Apps button.
- Click the plus sign in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Then you will need to search for “Zoom” and click the Zoom Cloud Meetings app.
- Click Select.
How to assign the app to a group and apply a configuration
- Click Zoom Cloud Meetings in the list of applications that you are allowed to use.
- Then click Create New Managed Configuration.
- Give the configuration a name that you will remember. After finalizing the process, click SAVE.
How to configuring Zoom with Intune
How to add the Zoom app
- Log in to the Microsoft 365 Device Management dashboard by clicking on the link below.
- Then, click Client Apps from the left side panel.
- Select Apps, and then click Add.
- You can select Managed Google Play from the App Type drop-down menu by clicking Managed Google Play below the drop-down menu.
- You can find Zoom Cloud Meetings in the search results by searching for Zoom.
- Once you find Zoom Cloud Meetings, click on the Approve button.
How to assign the app to a group and apply a configuration
- Log into the Microsoft 365 Device Management dashboard by signing in with your Microsoft account.
- Next, click Client Apps in the left-hand panel, followed by Configuration Policies.
- You will need to fill out the following information:
- Name: You can name your configuration to make it easier to identify.
- Select Managed devices as the device enrollment type.
- Platform: Select Android.
- Associated app: Select Zoom Cloud Meetings.
- To configure the app, click Configure.
- Choose Use configuration designer from the drop-down menu under Configuration settings format, then click Add.
- Configuration keys can be specified using the configuration designer, then click OK.
- If you wish to specify values for each key, you can use the drop-down menus in the Configuration Value column.
- Click OK.
Read it also –
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Zoom settings on Android?
On your current page, you have the option of zooming in or out
If you are using an Android device, open Chrome on your device.
Select More from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. The settings page.
Click on the Accessibility button.
The slider next to “Text scaling” should be moved until the example text can be read comfortably by you. When a page tries to prevent you from zooming in, you can check “Force enable zoom” in order to force the zoom.
How do you Zoom in on Android without downloading an app?
It is important to remember that Zoom won’t let you completely avoid either option. If you’re avoiding the app, you’re going to have to sign up and sign in to Zoom via their website if you want to do that. At the top of the Zoom website homepage, you should see the option to host a meeting or to join a meeting once you have completed this procedure.
Where is Zoom settings in mobile?
You can change the settings of phone users once they have been added to Zoom Phone.
An overview of the settings that can be accessed by a phone user
Zoom’s web portal can be accessed by logging in.
You can access this information through the navigation menu by clicking on Phone System Management, then Users & Rooms.
You will be able to adjust the settings of a phone user by clicking on their name.
How does Zoom work on Android phone?
Using Android, here is how you can join a meeting and sign in. You can join a Zoom meeting by clicking Join a Meeting as soon as Zoom has been launched, without the need to sign in beforehand. It is recommended that you tap the Sign In icon if you would like to start or schedule your own meeting. The best way to sign in to Zoom is to use your Google, Facebook, or Zoom account.
How do I change my Zoom app settings?
To access Zoom’s web portal, you will need to sign in. Select Account Management from the navigation panel and then click Account Settings from the drop-down menu. As part of your account settings, you will be presented with three tabs: Meetings, Recordings, and Audio Conferencing. Click on the setting you are interested in changing and then navigate to that setting.
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