How to Change settings in Zoom desktop client/mobile app

If you don’t want to sign in to the Zoom web portal, you can change some settings using Zoom’s desktop client and mobile app.


To access Zoom’s desktop client settings, follow these steps:

  • Click on Zoom’s desktop icon to open it.
  • Next, click on your profile picture after which you will be taken to the Zoom Settings window.

When you access the options within the page, you will be able to set your preferences as follows:


Chat and meeting settings can be changed.

  • Start Zoom when I start Windows:
  • When Windows starts, the Zoom client will open and appear on the desktop.
    • Silently start Zoom when I start Windows:
    • When Windows starts, you will see the Zoom client in the taskbar, but you will need to minimize it.
  • When closed, minimize window to the notification area instead of the task bar:
  • If you close Zoom, keep it visible in the task bar notifications area.
  • Use dual monitors:
  • While in a meeting, use separate screens for screen sharing content and video.
  • Enter full screen automatically when starting or joining a meeting
  • Automatically copy the invite link after the meeting starts
  • Always show meeting controls:
  • When a meeting starts, the meeting controls should always be visible. Meeting controls will disappear from the screen during inactivity for a few seconds, if they are disabled.
  • Ask me to confirm when I leave a meeting:
  • After clicking Leave Meeting, you will be asked to confirm your decision to leave the meeting.
  • Show my connected time:
  • Displays how many minutes you have spent in the meeting.
  • Remind me __ minutes before my upcoming meetings:
  • I’ll receive a notification at the time specified before our meeting begins.
  • Stop my video and audio when my device is locked
  • Integrate Zoom with Outlook:
  • Set Zoom as the default app for chatting, meetings, and phone calls in Outlook.
  • Show profile photos next to in-meeting chat messages:
  • Allows people to view each other’s profiles when in-meeting chat is active. It will display the participant’s initials in the absence of an image for that participant.
  • Added navigation bar displaying “Pair with Room” option.
  • Automatically keep Zoom up to date:
  • Automatically downloads and installs updates. Two update cadences are available: Slow and Fast. Click here to learn more.
  • Theme:
  • Various themes for desktop clients
  • Reaction Skin Tone:
  • When using emoticons and reactions in chat, you can set the default skin tone.
  • View More Settings:
  • To change settings that are not available on the Zoom client, open the Zoom web portal.


You can change your camera and view your video feed.


  • Camera: You can choose which camera Zoom will use.
  • Video ratio: If possible, choose Original Ratio (typically 4:3) or HD (typically 16:9)

My Video

  • Mirror my video: Flip my video horizontally. The camera defaults to flipping your video by default.
  • Touch up my appearance: Soften the skin with a softening agent in order to minimize the appearance of imperfections.
  • Adjust for low light: The video quality and brightness are improved in low light environments.
  • Always display participant names on their video:The participants name is always displayed over a video at the top.
  • Turn off my video when joining a meeting: Enable your video automatically.
  • Whenever you join a video meeting, always show the video preview window
  • Hide non-video participants: When a participant does not have video enabled, hide their thumbnails. Instead, display their name in the thumbnail for non-video participants.
  • Enable stop incoming video feature: This feature provides an option to stop all video incoming in real-time during a meeting.
  • See myself as the active speaker while speaking: When you are speaking, make sure your video appears on your own screen as the primary active speaker.
  • Maximum participants displayed per screen in Gallery View: If your device supports it, you can choose to display 25 participants or 49 participants on a single screen.
  • Advanced: Choose the advanced settings for your video.


Adjust the volume and settings of your microphone and speaker after setting them up.

  • Speaker:
  • Play a test tone by clicking Test Speaker. Zoom will use the speaker you select in the drop-down menu.
    • Use a separate audio device to play ringtone simultaneously:
    • If you receive a Zoom Phone call or are invited to a Zoom Meeting, please select another device that will play the ringtone when the call comes in. You will hear this device ring at the same time as your chosen speaker.
  • Microphone:
  • If you click on Test Mic, you can hear the recording of the audio. If you want Zoom to use a specific microphone, you can choose it from the drop-down menu.
    • Automatically adjust microphone: Automatically adjust the volume on your microphone so that other participants can hear you better by either making it softer or louder as needed. It may be prudent to turn this setting off if you are experiencing issues with your audio fade in and out.
  • Suppress background noise:You can choose the level of noise suppression you want, whether it is Auto, Low, Medium, or High.
  • Show in-meeting option to “Turn On Original Sound”:
  • This feature adds a button in the meeting that enables the original sound.
    • High fidelity music mode: Zoom’s audio is optimized to deliver the best audio experience. 96 Kbps for mono and 196 Kbps for stereo, with a sampling rate of 48 kHz, are enabled with the CELT codec and bit rates increased to 96 Kbps and 196 Kbps for stereo respectively. Using a wired connection is strongly recommended since it can increase CPU usage and consume a greater amount of bandwidth over the network.
    • Echo cancellation: The algorithm that has been designed to prevent Zoom echo is disabled. To make the most of this option, we strongly recommend that you use a headset and a microphone of high quality.
    • Stereo audio: It is possible to have your meeting audio stream in stereo during your webinar, if your microphone supports stereo recording.
  • Ringtones: For incoming Zoom Phone calls and meeting invitations, you can select a ringtone. It does not sync up with your phone’s settings.
  • Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting:
  • Instead of displaying a join prompt, automatically join meetings with computer audio.
  • I want to muffle my microphone during meetings
  • If I am joining a meeting with third-party audio, do not prompt me to join
  • My own audio by pressing and holding the SPACE key:
  • The SPACE bar allows you to unmute yourself if you are muted in a meeting.
  • Sync buttons on headset:It allows you to sync your audio device’s mutes/mutes with Zoom’s desktop application in order to mute or mutes audio from your device. In other words, when you muffle or unmute your mic on your audio device using a button, Zoom’s client will display a message saying the microphone is muted or unmuted. The audio device you are using must support this setting if you wish to enable it.
  • Advanced: This option allows you to view advanced settings for audio.

 Share Screen

Screen sharing settings can be changed.

  • Window size when screen sharing: Select Fullscreen mode, Maximize window, or Maintain current size for the meeting window when viewing shared content.
  • If you are using Windows 7 Aero mode, turn it off.
  • Scale to fit shared content to Zoom window: This will naturally zoom the shared screen in order to fit within the Zoom window.
  • Show my Zoom windows to other participants when I am screen sharing: If you want to share your screen with others, you can display the Zoom client on the screen. If you share your screen by default, Zoom will not be shown on the screen. In order for you to see the Zoom window while screen sharing, you must enable this option within the web portal‘s settings before it will appear in the client’s interface.
  • Enable remote control of all applications: In a remote control session, you should allow all participants to exercise remote control over all applications.
  • Side-by-side mode: This mode displays both the shared screen as well as the video of the participants.
  • Silence system notifications when sharing desktop: For presentations, temporarily turn off all notifications to ensure no interruptions or distractions occur.
  • Share applications:
    • Share an individual window:
    • Select the window you wish to share.
    • Share all windows from an application:
    • The application will share all its open windows.
  • When I share my screen in a meeting:
  • You can choose to share all open windows or just some of them.
    • Automatically share the desktop.
    • Show all sharing options
  • When I share directly to a Zoom Room: The default setting applies when sharing directly to a Zoom Room.
    • Automatically share the desktop.
    • Show all sharing options
  • Advanced: This option allows you to view advanced options for screen sharing.


When you own a Zoom Phone license, this section displays information pertaining to Zoom Phone.


Set up notifications for Zoom chats, channels, and messages.

My sidebar will display this at the top

You can always see the following options by checking the box in the left sidebar:

  • Missed Calls: Displays any missed video calls.
  • Contact Request: Provides a list of all recent and pending contact requests.
  • Bookmarks: Displays any messages that have been bookmarked.
  • Files: Shows the documents and screenshots you have sent.

Customize the behavior of my sidebar

  • Only allow one section opened at a time: A new section of chats or channel can only be opened at a time if the checkbox is checked, shutting down all the other sections when a new one is opened. This also applies to recents, folders, and chats.
  • Separate my Chat and Channels section: It should be noted that when the box is checked, chats and channels no longer appear in the Starred section or a folder. The chats and channels that are not assigned to any user will be displayed chronologically in the Recents section when the checkbox is not selected.
  • Show profile pictures next to direct message chats: This setting displays the profile picture of the user next to the direct message chat. If there is no profile picture provided by the user, their initials will appear instead.

Customize the look of my sidebar

You can customize the background color of the Zoom Chat tab by choosing one of the provided colors on the left sidebar.

Light mode is the only mode that can be customized.

Chat Settings

  • Show Audio Record button: You can record and send voice messages by clicking the Audio Message button in the chat box.
  • Show Video Record button: You can record and send video messages by using the Video Message button in the chat box.
  • Show Code Snippet button: Allow you to send code snippets in chat by displaying the code snippet button.
  • Show link preview: When your message contains a link, include a preview image, title, and description.
  • Change my status to “Away” when I am inactive for ___ minutes: When your computer has been inactive for a specified number of minutes, you can set your status to Away.
  • Blocked users: If you are unable to remove a contact from the blocked list, click Manage blocked users to view your blocked contacts.

Unread Messages

  • Keep all unread messages on top: Organize your chat list to show all unread messages first.
  • Show unread message badge for channels: Next to each chat list, you can see how many messages are unread.
  • Reorder the list based on the number of new messages added.
  • When viewing unread messages in a channel:
    • Go to the first unread message
    • And start reading from there

Push Notifications

  • Please indicate whether you wish to receive notifications for the following:
    • All messages
    • Only private messages and mentions: It will alert you all of the times that someone mentions your name in a private one-to-one chat as well as anytime that @(your name) is used in a group chat.
    • Nothing
  • With exceptions for: Then you can add exceptions to specific channels so that their notification settings might differ from the ones you’ve set above.
  • Receive notifications for: You can set keywords for which you wish to receive notifications.
  • Open chats in a new window when selecting a push notification
  • Notify me about new replies to messages I am following
  • Do not disturb from __ to __: You can set a specific period of time when you will no longer receive notifications.
  • Play sound when I receive a new message: The sound is played when you receive a new message
  • Mute notifications while I am in a meeting or internal call: There is a temporary pause in Zoom notifications when you are in a Zoom meeting or a Zoom call.
  • Show notification banner on screen until dismissed
  • Show message preview (uncheck this option for privacy): Notifications on the desktop partially show the contents of messages

 Zoom Apps

  •  Zoom Apps Local App Data & Cookies:
  • If you want to remove Zoom Apps from your device, you can do so by clearing the data and cookies stored by the apps. If you want to remove Zoom Apps from your device, you can do so by clicking on Clear.

 Background & Filters

In addition to selecting a virtual background for the image behind you (green screen), you can also choose the color of this background, and even upload a virtual background image. In addition to video enhancements, you can also apply studio effects to your videos, like filters and studio effects.


View how much cloud storage space you possess, as well as how much is being used, by selecting the location for your local recordings.

  • Store my recording at: Choose the default location to save recording files.
    Note: In some cases, saving and converting recordings over an external drive, network storage device, or cloud storage folder can lead to problems. The default recording location should be kept on a local drive by Zoom.
  • Choose a location for recorded files when the meeting ends: Show a prompt at the end of a recorded meeting asking where the recordings should be saved. Default location will be used if this is not enabled.
  • Record a separate audio file of each participant: Rather than one audio file with all the participants’ audio, separate audio files are created for each participant.
  • Optimize for a 3rd party video editor: When capturing the video, ensure the file can be opened and edited by video editing software.
  • Add a timestamp to the recording: Record the meeting at the appropriate time and date.
  • Record video during screen sharing: Maintain video recordings of screen sharing sessions.
    • Place video next to the shared screen in the recording: Record both the participants’ video and the shared screen when recording local screen share sessions.
  • Keep temporary recording files: When there is a problem with the recording, Zoom can troubleshoot with the original files


  • Edit My Profile: You can edit your profile picture or name by logging into Zoom’s web portal.
  • View My Subscription: Shows you the current Zoom paid plan and the options to change it in the Zoom web portal.
  • View Advanced Features: You can adjust settings not available through the Zoom client by logging in to the Zoom web portal.


Zoom uses a certain amount of CPU and memory at a given time. This feature will help you assess the sound and video quality of your audio and video during a meeting, as well as to identify latency and jitter. You can also submit problem reports with log files to Zoom Support if you are experiencing issues with the Zoom desktop client.


Send Feedback to Zoom, including ideas, requests, or general comments.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoom keyboard shortcuts are displayed. Restore default shortcuts by clicking Restore Defaults.


For closed captioning and chat, you have the option of changing the font size.

  • Closed Captioning Font Size: The size of the font for closed captions can be changed by dragging the slider.
  • Chat Display Size: In-meeting chats and IM conversations can be adjusted to a larger font size.
  • Screen Reader Alerts: The screen reader alerts can be enabled or disabled.


To access Zoom’s desktop client settings, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  • Go to Settings by clicking your profile picture.

From here, you will be able to access the following options: Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.


Change settings related to joining or starting a meeting.

  • Use dual monitors: When sharing content during a meeting, use separate screens for video and screen share content.
  • When joining or starting a meeting, go full screen.
  • Always show meeting controls: Ensure that the meeting controls are always visible. Inactive mouse pointers will cause meeting controls to hide if disabled.
  • When starting a meeting, copy the invitation link into the address bar
  • Ask me to confirm when I leave a meeting: After clicking Leave Meeting, a prompt will appear asking you to confirm your decision.
  • Show my meeting duration: The duration of the current meeting will be displayed.
  • The Zoom app for macOS can be downloaded from the Apple Store.
  • It will automatically stop recording as soon as the display is turned off or when the screen saver is activated
  • On the home screen navigation bar, it will be possible to access the “Pair with Room” function.
  • Remind me __ minutes before my upcoming meetings: The system will display an alert before your meetings start at the time you specify.
  • Show profile photos next to in-meeting chat messages: The in-meeting chat displays the profile pictures of the participants. Participants whose images are not available will be identified by their initials instead.
  • Automatically keep Zoom up to date: You can set Zoom to automatically install updates as soon as they are released. Zoom users are given the choice of two update cadences: Slow and Fast. For more information on automatic updates, click here.
  • Theme: Choose between Dark and Light themes for the desktop client
  • Reaction Skin Tone: When making use of chat emoticons or meeting reactions, you may select the default skin tone.
  • View More Settings: To access additional Zoom settings, open the Zoom web portal.


View your video feed and change your camera.


  • Camera: Select the camera you want Zoom to use.
  • Camera settings: Select Original Ratio (usually a 4:3 aspect ratio) or HD (usually 16:9 aspect ratio), as well as Mirror my video, which will horizontally flip your video.

My Video

  • Touch up my appearance:
  • Reduce the visibility of imperfections by applying a softening effect to the skin.
  • Improves video quality and brightness under low light conditions.
    • Alternatively, you can set the video brightness to Auto (by default) or Manual (with a slider).
  • Always display the participant’s name on their videos:
  • Display participant’s name :
  • In their videos.
  • Stop my video when joining a meeting: Whenever you join a meeting, your video will automatically be disabled.
  • When joining a video meeting, show a video preview
  • Hide non-video participants: Hide the thumbnail of non-video participants. Thumbnails for participants without video show their names.
  • Enable stop incoming video feature: Stops all incoming video in meetings.
  • See myself as the active speaker while speaking: If you speak to a video on your own screen, you can set your video to act as the primary active speaker.
  • Maximum participants displayed per screen in Gallery View: The maximum number of participants displayed per screen can be 25 or 49 (if supported by your device).
  • Advanced: Select advanced settings to adjust the video.


Adjust the volume and settings of your microphone and speaker after setting them up.

  • Speaker: Play a test tone by clicking Test Speaker. Zoom can be configured to use the selected speaker by selecting it from the drop-down menu.
    • Use a separate audio device to play ringtone simultaneously:
    • When you receive a Zoom meeting invitation or a Zoom phone call, select another device to play the ringtone. The device will ring in tandem with the speaker you selected.
  • Microphone: To record and playback audio, click Test Mic. Zoom will display a drop-down menu where you can select the microphone you wish to use.
    • Automatically adjust microphone:
    • Adjust your microphone automatically to make the volume easier for others to hear you by softer or louder as needed. You may want to turn off this setting if your audio keeps fading in and out.
  • Suppress background noise:
  • Select the level of noise suppression: Automatic, Low, Medium, or High.
  • A microphone button to enable original sound can be shown in-meeting: In-meeting original sound is enabled by this feature.
    • High fidelity music mode: With this mode, you can listen to music of high quality in your Zoom meeting. It has been enhanced in mono to make the sampling rate 48kHz. This has now been improved in stereo, meanwhile, the bit rate has also been enhanced to 196 kbps. The fact that this method of transferring data can increase CPU usage and use more bandwidth on the network is a strong indication that you should have a wired connection to accommodate this.
    • Echo cancellation: Disables Zoom’s algorithm for getting rid of echoes. The best recommendations are to use a high quality microphone and a headset if you plan on using this option.
    • Stereo audio: The system will transmit stereo sound during meetings and webinars if your microphone is capable of processing audio in stereo.
  • Ringtones:The system allows you to ring certain phone calls or meetings. Zoom does not sync ringtones.
  • Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting:
  • Rather than displaying a join prompt, automatically join meetings with computer audio.
  • Whenever I join a meeting, I muffle my microphone.
  • When I use 3rd party audio to join a meeting, do not prompt me for joining audio.
  • Press and hold the ‘Space key’ to temporarily unmute yourself:
  • Press the SPACE bar to unmute yourself if you’re muted in a meeting.
  • Headset synchronization buttons:
  • You can join a meeting through the Zoom desktop client while your microphone is muted/muted from your audio device. Therefore, if you mute or unmute your microphone at any time using the control on your audio device, the Zoom client will indicate that your microphone has been muted or unmuted. This setting should be enabled only if you are using a device with support for audio.
  • Advanced: Select advanced settings for audio.

 Share Screen

Screen sharing settings can be changed.

  • Window size when screen sharing: You can choose whether you want the meeting window to be displayed fullscreen, maximized, or maintained as is when you are viewing shared content.
  • Scale to fit shared content to Zoom window: The shared screen will be automatically resized to fit the Zoom window.
  • Show my Zoom windows to other participants when I am screen sharing: You can share your screen with other participants by displaying the Zoom client. Zoom is displayed by default when sharing your screen. To enable the Zoom window during screen share in the client, you must enable the Show Zoom windows during screen share option in the setting page of the web portal.
  • Side-by-side mode: Show the participant’s video on their shared screen.
  • Silence system notifications when sharing desktop: It is recommended to turn off all notifications prior to a presentation to avoid distractions and interruptions.
  • Share applications:
    • Share an individual window: Choose a window from the application and share it.
    • If the application has multiple windows, share all the windows open in it.
  • When I share my screen in a meeting: Default to sharing all the windows.
    • The desktop will be shared automatically.
    • Display all options for sharing.
  • When I share directly to a Zoom Room: Click the Share to Zoom Room button to select default behavior.
    • Desktop will be automatically shared.
    • Default options will be displayed.
  • Advanced: Use these settings to customize screen sharing.


When you own a Zoom Phone license, this section displays information pertaining to Zoom Phone.


Zoom chat notifications, channels, and message settings are adjustable.

My sidebar will display this at the top

Check the show each of the following options always in the left sidebar:

  • Missed Calls: Displays any missed video calls.
  • Contact Request: Provides a list of recent and pending contact requests.
  • Bookmarks: Allows you to view a list of bookmarks.
  • Files: You can view all of the files that have been sent, including screenshots and documents.

My sidebar can be customized

  • Only allow one section opened at a time: A section of chats or channels can only be open at one time when checked, and all others are closed when a new one is opened. The sections are folders, recent messages, and chats.
  • Separate my Chat and Channels section: Unassigned chats and channels appear under this checkbox. A recents section will display a chronological listing of unassigned chats and channels when the box is unchecked.
  • Show profile pictures next to direct message chats: Checking this option displays the user’s profile picture next to their messages. In the absence of a profile picture, the initials of the user are displayed as a substitute.

Make my sidebar look the way I want it to

You can customize the background color of the Zoom Chat tab by choosing one of the provided colors on the left sidebar.
Note: Customizations can only be made in the Light mode.

Chat Settings

  • Show Audio Record button: You can record and send voice messages by clicking the Audio Message button in the chat box.
  • Show Video Record button: You can send and record video messages by clicking the Video Message button in the chat box.
  • Show Code Snippet button: Activate the button for sending code snippets from the chat box.
  • Show link preview: Anytime a link is included in an email message, provide a link preview, including the page title, the preview image, and a description.
  • Change my status to Away when I am inactive for ___ minutes: In the event that your computer is not actively running for the specified time period, change your status to Away.
  • Bounce application icon when receiving a new message: You will see a bounce animation when a new message arrives on the Zoom icon.
  • Blocked users: You can view and remove blocked contacts by clicking Manage blocked users.

Unread Messages

  • Keep all unread messages on top: At the top of your chat list, keep chats with unread messages.
  • Show unread message count for channels: Display an unread message count next to each chat.
  • Place new messages at the bottom of the conversation.
  • When viewing unread messages in a channel:
    • Begin at the beginning
    • Start at the latest
  • Push Notifications:
  • Select if you want to receive notifications for:
    • Every message
    • Only private messages and mentions:
    • Whenever anyone uses @(your name) in any channel (e.g., group chat) or private 1-on-1 chat, you will be notified as soon as the message is seen by you.
    • Nothing
  • With exceptions for: You will need to set exceptions if you want to offer different settings for notification for specific channels than what you do in the settings box above.
  • Receive notifications for: Specify keywords for which notifications should be sent.
  • Selecting a push notification will open the chat window in a new tab
  • And notify you of new messages you have followed.
  • Do not disturb from __ to __: Specify how long you don’t want to be notified.
  • If a message arrives, make a sound.
  • Do not notify me during an internal call or meeting
  • Meeting Show preview of messages (this overrides system preferences).

 Zoom Apps

  •  Zoom Apps Local App Data & Cookies: Data and cookies may be stored on your device by Zoom Apps, which may be cleared by you. To erase Zoom Apps data and cookies currently stored on your device, click on Clear.

 Background & Filters

A virtual background can be selected, the color of the back drop (green screen) selected, and an image of the virtual background uploaded. Additionally, your video appearance can be enhanced with video filters or studio effects.


The local recording location is selected, and you can view your cloud recording space and how much of it is currently used.

Local Recording

  • Store my recordings at: Choose where to save recordings.
    Note: The default location may cause problems with saving and converting local recordings when you set the location to a cloud folder (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or One Drive), an external drive, or a network mounted device. ZOOM strongly advises you to keep recordings on a local drive as the default location for them.
  • Choose a location to save the recording to after the meeting ends: In the event that a meeting is being recorded, a prompt should appear asking where the recorded files should be saved. The default location will be used if this setting is not enabled, and recording files will be stored there by default.
  • Record a separate audio file for each participant: Rather than having one audio file with all the participants’ audio, creates separate audio files for each participant.
  • Optimize for a 3rd party video editor: You should ensure that the file you are recording can be edited using video editing software.
  • Add a timestamp to the recording: When you are recording the meeting, include the date and time.
  • Record video during screen sharing: Make sure you record the video of your participants when you are screen sharing.
    • Place video next to the shared screen in the recording: You can include both the sharing screen and the participants’ video in the recording when recording local during a screen share session.
  • Keep temporary recording files: When there is a problem with the recording, Zoom allows you to keep the original files in order to troubleshoot it

Cloud Recording

Go to Manage on Web… and adjust the recording settings on Zoom’s web portal.

  • Show notification when a new recording is available: Rather than receiving an email notification for the completion of a cloud recording, perhaps instead or as well, a desktop notification appears when it has been completed.


  • Edit My Profile: You can update your profile picture and name on the Zoom website.
  • View My Subscription: View your current paid plan on the Zoom web portal and change it if necessary.
  • View Advanced Features: You may change settings not available in the Zoom client on the Zoom web portal.
  • Devices List: Lists all the devices that are associated with your account.
  • Unregister all devices for me


Shows how much memory and CPU Zoom is using at the moment. In a meeting, it will provide you with information such as latency and jitter so that you can evaluate the quality of the audio and video you are hearing and seeing. It is also possible to send a problem report containing logs to Zoom Support should you be experiencing problems with the Zoom desktop client.


If you have ideas, requests, or comments, please send them to Zoom.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoom keyboard shortcuts are displayed. Restore default shortcuts by clicking Restore Defaults.


Closed captioning and chat can be customized by changing the font size.

  • Closed Captioning Font Size: Adjust the size of captions by dragging the slider.
  • Chat Display Size: Font sizes can be changed for in-meeting and IM chats.
  • Screen Reader Alerts: Select whether screen reader alerts should be enabled or disabled.


Zoom desktop client settings can be accessed by following these steps:

  • Join the Zoom desktop client by logging in to your account.
  • After logging in, click the gear icon next to your profile picture to open the Zoom settings.

The following options are available in the settings window:


Change settings related to joining or starting a meeting.

  • When closed, minimize window to the notification area instead of the task bar:
  • When you close Zoom, leave it open in the task bar notification area.
  • Install a second monitor.
  • Start or join a meeting in full screen mode.
  • Once the meeting starts, the invite link is automatically copied
  • so that the meeting controls are always visible
  • Ask me to confirm when I leave a meeting: After clicking Leave Meeting, you will be asked to confirm your decision.
  • Remind me __ minutes before my upcoming meetings: Send me an alert 15 minutes before your meetings begin.
  • If my display is off or my screen saver starts, stop my video and audio.
  • Show profile photos next to in-meeting chat messages: In-meeting chat messages will be displayed with the participants’ profile pictures. In the absence of an image, the participant’s initials are displayed in lieu of the image.


Change the camera and view your video feed.


  • Camera: You can choose which camera Zoom will use.
  • Video ratio: Depending on the aspect ratio, you can choose Original Ratio (typically a 4:3 ratio) or HD (normally a 16:9 ratio).

My Video

  • Mirror my video: The video will be flipped horizontally. This is an option that is useful if you have a camera that flips videos by default.
  • Adjust for low light: Achieves better video quality and brightness in low light environments.
  • Touch up my appearance: To reduce the visibility of imperfections on the skin, apply a softening effect that has the effect of softening the skin.
  • Display the participant names in their video at all times: Display the participants’ names overlaid on their videos.
  • Turn off my video when joining a meeting: You will be automatically disabled when joining the meeting.
  • When joining a video meeting, you will always see a preview of my video.
  • Hide Non-Video Participants: Hide the thumbnail of participants who don’t have video capabilities. Their names will appear instead of their thumbnails.
  • Enable stop incoming video feature: Offers the ability to stop all video incoming in meetings.
  • See myself as the active speaker while speaking: On your own computer screen, you should use your video as your primary active speaker.
  • Advanced: View advanced settings for your video.


Adjust the volume and settings of your microphone and speaker after setting them up.

  • Speaker: A test tone will be played once you click Test Speaker. Zoom will use the speaker you choose from the drop-down menu.
  • Microphone: You can record and playback audio using the Test Mic button. Select the microphone from the drop-down menu.
    • Automatically adjust microphone: If necessary, automatically adjust the volume of your microphone so that other participants can hear you better. The setting may need to be disabled if you’re experiencing audio fading in and out.
  • Suppress background noise: Set the level of background noise suppression to Auto, Low, Medium, or High.
  • Ringtones: Zoom Phone call ringtones and incoming meeting invitations can be customized. These settings are not synchronized with the Zoom mobile app.
  • Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting: Instead of displaying a joining prompt, automatically join meetings with computer audio.
  • When joining meetings, muffle my microphone
  • Joining meetings using third-party audio should not prompt joining audio

 Share Screen

  • If a participant shares a screen, enter full screen
  • Scale to fit shared content to my Zoom window: Make the screen automatically resize to match the Zoom window.
  • Show my Zoom windows to other participants when I am screen sharing: When you screen share, show your Zoom client to others. Zoom users are disabled by default when sharing their screens. Before the zoom window will appear in the client, this option needs to be enabled on the Settings page of the web portal.
  • Side-by-Side Mode: Displays participants’ videos alongside the shared screen.
  • Only display one app window at a time.
  • Grab remote control automatically when controller idles for __ seconds: As long as you are idle after the specified period of time and the other participant accepts your request for remote control, the session starts automatically.
  • Share applications:
    • Share an individual window: Select the window within an application to share.
    • Share all windows from an application: Make all windows of the application visible.
  • When I share my screen in a meeting: Share my screen according to the default settings.
    • Automate desktop sharing
    • by showing all options
  • When I share directly to a Zoom Room: I can choose to share to a Zoom Room using the default behavior.
    • Sharing the desktop automatically
    • displays all the sharing options
  • Advanced: Use the advanced settings to share your screen with other users.


When you own a Zoom Phone license, this section displays information pertaining to Zoom Phone.


Zoom chat notifications, channels, and message settings are adjustable.

  • Show Audio Record button: In the chat box, you can send and record audio messages.
  • Show Code Snippet button: Send code snippets through the chat box, where you can see the code snippet button.
  • Show link preview: Each time you send an email with a link, include the page title, preview image, and description.
  • Show my status as Away when I am inactive for ___ minutes: If your computer is not in use for a specified amount of time, change your status to Away.
  • Time Format: Zoom clients allow you to display time in AM/PM or 24-hour formats. Note:
  • The Zoom client must be restarted after changing this setting.
  • Left sidebar theme: Choose a colored sidebar.
  • Blocked users: You can view and remove blocked contacts by clicking Manage blocked users.

Unread Messages

  • Keep all unread messages on top: Organize your chat list so that the chats with unread messages appear at the top.
  • Show unread message badge for channels: When you select a chat, you will see the number of unread messages beside it.
  • The unread messages will be moved to the bottom of the chat.
  • When viewing unread messages in a channel:
    • Start at the first message that hasn’t been read
    • For the longest period of time
  • Push Notifications:
  • Select if you want to receive notifications for:
    • Every message
    • Every private message Every mention Every message: Show notifications when someone uses @(your name) in a private one-on-one chat and/or when people use @(your name) in any channel (group chat).
    • Nothing
  • With exceptions for: Make sure that you specify exceptions if you want individual channels to have different notifications settings as compared to those you set above.
  • Receive notifications for: Enter keywords that you would like to be notified about.
  • Do not disturb from __ to __: This is the period of time during which you don’t want to receive notifications.
  • You can mutes notifications while you are in a meeting or on the phone.
  • The option to view message previews should be unchecked for privacy reasons.

 Virtual Background

A virtual background can be selected, the color of the background (green screen) behind you can be selected, as well as an image can be uploaded to be the virtual background.


Choose a location for your local recording and see how much cloud storage space is available and being utilized.

Local Recording

  • Store my recording at: Choose where to save the recording files.
    Note: It is very likely that saving and converting local recordings will not be possible when you set the default location to a cloud storage folder (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or One Drive), a network storage device, or an external drive. If you want to record a conference call, Zoom strongly advises you to keep the default location on your local drive.
  • Choose a location to save the recordings after the meeting ends: Provide a prompt asking where the recording files should be stored when a recorded meeting ends. The default location for saving recording files will be used if this is not enabled.
  • Record a separate audio file for each participant: Rather than combining all audio files into a single audio file, separate audio files are created for each participant.
  • Optimize for a 3rd party video editor: Check that your recording file can be edited using video editing software.
  • Add a timestamp to the recording: While recording, add the time and date.
  • Record video during screen sharing: Keep recording the participants’ videos while screen sharing.
    • You can place the video in the recording beside the screen: While recording local screen sharing sessions, include the participant’s video side-by-side with the shared screen.
  • Keep temporary recording files: Zoom can troubleshoot recording issues by using the original files

Cloud Recording

You can adjust settings for cloud recording by clicking Manage in the Zoom web portal.


  • Edit My Profile: You can edit your profile picture and name in the Zoom web portal.
  • View My Subscription: Views your current paid plan and provides options for changing it on the Zoom web portal.
  • View Advanced Features: Adapts Zoom web settings that are not available in the Zoom client.


Zoom’s CPU and memory usage is displayed. You can assess the quality of your audio and video in a meeting by looking at data like latency and jitter. Zoom Support can be contacted if you are having problems with the Zoom desktop client.


Please contact Zoom with any suggestions, requests, or feedback you may have.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use the keyboard shortcuts to zoom.


Closed caption font size can be changed, and a keyboard shortcut guide can be accessed if you do not know how to do this yet.

  • Size of Closed Captions: To change the size of closed captions, use the slider to click and drag.

Read it also –

How To Change Settings In Zoom Desktop Client Mobile App
How To Integrate Delete Calendar On Zoom Desktop Client
Advanced Desktop Client Settings In Zoom App
Zoom Desktop Client Mobile App Web Client And Pwa Comparison
Viewing Analytics In The Desktop Client In Zoom App
How To Pair A Zoom Room With The Desktop Client
How To Start The Zoom Desktop Client
How To Download The Zoom Desktop Client And Mobile App
Supported Usb Hid Devices For The Zoom Desktop Client



Zoom app settings can be accessed by following these steps:

  1. Access Zoom on your mobile device.
  2. Scroll down and tap More.
    You’ll find the following options in the Settings menu:

Name and Email Address

  • Profile Photo: Create a new profile photo by taking a picture with your phone or uploading one from your phone.
  • Account: Your logged-in email address.
  • Display Name: You can change your default name for joining meetings.
  • Personal Note: Users can view your personal notes.
  • Update Password: Change your login password.
  • Change your department.
  • Your job title.
  • Location
  • Personal Meeting ID (PMI): The user must have a paid license to change the meeting ID.
  • Personal Link Name: Your personal link name can be set or changed (you need a paid license and to be a member of a Business or Education account).
  • Default Call-In Country: For your meeting invitations, you can choose the default country.
  • User Type: This field displays a user’s Basic, Licensed, or On-Premise status
  • Licenses: Provides information on any additional licenses, such as Large Meetings or Webinars
  • User Fingerprint ID: Zoom now supports fingerprint authentication. You must have fingerprint authentication enabled.
  • Sign out now.


  • Audio
    • Auto-Connect to Audio: Connect to the audio automatically using the available options.
    • Mute My Microphone: My microphone is muted whenever I join a meeting.
    • Use Original Audio: Enables original audio in the meeting.
  • Video
    • Turn Off My Video: When I join a meeting, I always turn off my video. After joining, you can turn it back on.
    • Keep Virtual Background For: It is also possible to choose whether the virtual background should be displayed in all meetings or just the current meeting. Virtual Background will need to be enabled every time you join a meeting if you select Current Meeting Only.
    • Aspect Ratio: Choose the aspect ratio of the video. Your own video is not affected by this setting.
      • Adapt your video to fit your phone’s screen: the video will be scaled to fit your phone’s screen, resulting in cropped video.
      • Original ratio: The original aspect ratio of each participant’s video will be displayed. Therefore, the aspect ratio of the video displayed on their desktop will be the same as the view in their video.
    • Mirror My Video: Rotate the video horizontally. This is useful if the video has been flipped by your camera.
    • Show Video Preview: When joining a video meeting, always show the video preview dialog.
    • Picture in Picture: A thumbnail will appear over the home screen or another open app when the Zoom app is minimized during a meeting or webinar. In a meeting or webinar, you can use other apps on your device.
  • General
    • Always Show Meeting Controls: Make meeting controls visible at all times during the meeting. To make controls visible, tap the screen after a few seconds if disabled.
      • Show Closed Captioning (when available): Zoom displays closed captions if they are available.
      • Show My Connected Time: Indicates how long you have spent in the current meeting.
      • Displays participants’ names when they join.
      • Show Non-Video Participants: Shows the avatar of participants without video capabilities. Their names appear on the thumbnails.
      • Ask to confirm when leaving a meeting: When you tap Leave Meeting, you will be asked to confirm your decision.
      • Safe Driving Mode: It allows you to enter safe driving mode by simply sliding right while you are in a meeting. The video will be switched off and you will have to tap to speak.
      • Show profile photos next to in-meeting chat messages: You can display the profile pictures of participants in in-meeting chat. When a participant does not have an image, the participant’s initials appear in place of the image.
      • Reaction Skin Tone: Similarly to the emoticon usage, you can also select the default skin tone for meeting reactions and chat emoticons.
      • Click on the link below for more information.


  • Phone Contacts Matching: Zoom contacts are added to your phone when you find contacts who also have a Zoom account.
  • Contact Requests: Review contact requests that have been sent or received.


  • Show link preview: Every time you include a link, you should include a link preview with the title, a preview image, and a description.
  • Receive Notifications For: Any message you send
    • Only private messages and mentions: Notify you when someone uses @(your name) in a group (private) chat as well as when they use @(your name) in a private chat.
    • Nothing
    • With exceptions for channels: It is possible to create exceptions if, for certain channels, you would like to change the notification settings than those you specified above.

Unread Messages

  • Keep all unread messages on top: It is a good idea to move unread chats to the top of the list of your chats.
  • Show unread message count for channels:
  • Next to each chat, you will be able to see the number of unread messages.
  • Reward users with new replies by moving them further down the chat.
  • Receive notifications for keywords: You can select specific keywords to receive notifications regarding.
  • When I receive new replies to messages I follow, please notify me.
  • Disable when in meeting: When you are in a meeting, please turn off notifications.
  • Do not disturb: If you do not want notifications to be received by this device, you can temporarily turn them off or choose a period of time when notifications will not be received.
  • If you do not want to receive notifications, you can also turn them off.
    • If you do not want to receive notifications, you can also turn them off.
    • To do so, click here.
  • You can preview messages by clicking here.
  • When you would like to be notified, click here.
    • Always, even if I am active on the desktop: Regardless of whether you are using the desktop client or your phone, you will always receive notifications.
    • Only when I am not active on the desktop: If you don’t log into your desktop client, you will only receive notifications on your phone when you are inactive.

Message Notifications Settings: To adjust Zoom mobile app options, you will need to open up the notification settings on your phone.


If you have a Zoom Phone license, it displays information related to Zoom Phone.


  • There is a ringtone you can choose for incoming meeting invites and Zoom Phone calls. These settings do not sync with the corresponding desktop client settings.


  • Version: Find out what version of Zoom you’re using
  • Send Feedback: Tell Zoom what you think, what you need, etc.
  • Report Problem: You can also contact Zoom Support if you are experiencing problems with the Zoom desktop client.
  • Tell Others About Zoom: Invite others to Zoom by email or message.
  • Rate Zoom in the Google Play Store: Visit Google Play to give Zoom a rating.
  • Privacy Policy: You can read our privacy statement here.
  • Terms of Service: Visit the Zoom Terms of Service page.
  • Community Standards: For more information about Zoom’s Community Standards, click here.
  • Open Source Software: The Open Source software that Zoom uses is described in this section.


Zoom mobile app settings can be accessed by following these steps:

  1. Access Zoom on your mobile device.
  2. Click More in the lower-right corner.
  3. In the Settings menu, you will find the following categories:

Name and Email Address

You can edit your name and email address by clicking the link, or you can sign out of the Zoom application by clicking the link.

  • Profile Photo: Upload a photo from your phone to your profile or take a new photo with your mobile device’s camera.
  • Account: Login with the email address associated with the account you are currently using.
  • Display Name: The name you use when you join a meeting can be changed.
  • Personal Note: You can add a note to your profile which is visible to other users.
  • Update Password: If you need to change your password, please do so.
  • Department
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Personal Meeting ID (PMI): The user must have a paid license to change their meeting ID.
  • Personal Link Name: You must be logged in to a Business or Education account in order to set your personal link name.
  • Default Call-In Country: Set your meeting invitations’ dial-in numbers to the default country.
  • Licenses: Lists any licenses assigned to large meetings or webinars
  • Sign Out


  • Audio
    • Auto Connect Audio: Automatically connects to audio whenever you join a meeting via the internet
    • Mute My Microphone: When joining a meeting, I always mute my microphone. If the host permits it, you can unmute your microphone.
    • Use Original Audio: Enables original sound during meetings.
  • Video
    • Turn Off My Video: When joining a meeting, turn off my video. When you join the meeting, you can turn on your video.
    • Touch Up My Appearance: Allows the app to improve your appearance by smoothing skin tones.
    • Keep Virtual Background For: You can choose to set your virtual background to be used for all meetings or just for the current meeting. Virtual Background must be enabled each time you join a meeting when you select Current Meeting Only.
    • Aspect Ratio: When viewing a video, choose an aspect ratio. Your own video is not affected by this setting.
      • This feature will allow you to scale the video to fit your phone’s screen, which will cause the video to be cropped, in order to ensure that the video fits.
      • Original ratio: Video submissions will be displayed in the original aspect ratio they were submitted in. Basically, when a client uploads a video via the web, the aspect ratio will be the same as what is shown on the desktop client.
    • HD Video: You can send HD video using the Zoom app. The quality of the video depends on other factors. –
    • Mirror My Video: Rotate the video horizontally. You may need this option if your video is flipped by default.
    • Show Video Preview: Display a preview of the video whenever you join a video meeting.
  • General
    • Always Show Meeting Controls: Enable this option to make sure the meeting controls are always visible during meetings. After a few seconds, controls will disappear and must be tapped to reappear if disabled.
    • Show Closed Captioning (when available): Closed captions will be displayed if they are available.
    • Show My Connected Time: Allows you to see the total amount of time spent in this meeting.
    • It will show the names of the participants when they are added.
    • Show Non-Video Participants: If no video is enabled for participants, show their avatars instead. If there are no videos, participants’ names are displayed in the thumbnails.
    • Before leaving a meeting, ask for confirmation.
    • Zoom Rooms Detection: Using the Zoom Room instead of your mobile device, it’s easy to find nearby Zoom Rooms and start meetings there.
    • Safe Driving Mode: Swiping right during a meeting will put you in safe driving mode. When you speak, you must tap.
    • Reaction Skin Tone: When using emoticons or meeting reactions, select the default skin tone.
    • Automatically copy the invitation link.
  • Calendar
    • Synced Calendars: Zoom Meetings appear on your calendar and can be added to upcoming meetings via the Zoom app.
    • Meeting Reminder: Show an upcoming meeting reminder.


  • Phone Contacts Matching: Zoom contacts are added to your phone when you find contacts who also have a Zoom account.
  • Contact Requests: Review contact requests that have been sent or received.


  • Show link preview: If your message contains a link, create a link preview including the page title, a preview image, and a description to show in the preview.
  • – At the bottom of the message.
    • All messages
    • Only private messages and mentions: Display notifications of private 1-on-1 chats within the channel (group chat), as well as any time someone uses your name in a private conversation.
    • Nothing
      Note: You can open the Zoom iOS notifications settings by tapping Turn on Notifications if you do not see these options.
    • With exceptions for groups: It is possible to set exceptions for specific channels that you want to receive different notifications.

Unread Messages

  • Keep all unread messages on top: Make sure unread chats are at the top of your list.
  • Show unread message count for channels: This displays how many unread messages there are for each channel.
  • Add new replies at the bottom of chat messages.
  • Receive notifications for keywords: Select keywords for which you would like to receive notifications.
  • I would like to receive notifications whenever I receive new replies to the messages I follow.
  • Disable when in meeting: If you are in a meeting, disable notifications
  • Do not disturb: The device can be temporarily turned off notifications or a time period can be set during which notifications are not received.
  • In a channel that shows unread messages
    • Messages start with the first unread message
    • Start at the latest
  • When to Notify Me
    • Always, even if I am active on the desktop: Whether you’re using the desktop client or not, you’ll always receive notifications on your phone.
    • Only when I am not active on the desktop: Inactive users will only receive notifications on their phones.
  • How to receive notifications
    • In-App Vibrate: A notification will vibrate the device.
    • In-App Alert-Sound: An alert sound will be played when a notification appears.


If you have a Zoom Phone license, it displays information related to Zoom Phone.


  • Blur snapshot on task switcher: Use the task switcher to see a blurred preview of the Zoom app. Hiding sensitive information is possible using this setting.
  • Use Call Kit to receive calls when not on Zoom: Access Zoom from the lock screen and your contact list. Zoom calls can be made from the contact list and answered from the lock screen.
  • Ringtones: You can choose a ringtone for incoming Zoom Phone calls and meeting invites. The desktop client setting does not synchronize with this setting.

Siri Shortcuts

Zoom’s mobile app can be controlled with Siri. These commands can be activated:

  • Attend our next meeting
  • by viewing today’s meetings
  • and clicking on My Personal Meeting


  • Version: Find out what version of Zoom is installed
  • Send Feedback: Include any ideas, comments, or requests for Zoom
  • Report Problem: You can also submit problem reports with log files to Zoom Support if you are having any problems with the Zoom desktop client.
  • Tell Others About Zoom: Invite your colleagues and friends to use Zoom by sending them an email or message.
  • Rate Zoom in the App Store: You can rate Zoom in the App Store by clicking here.
  • Privacy Statement: You can view the Zoom Privacy Statement by clicking here.
  • Terms of Service: Here is a link to Zoom’s Terms of Service.
  • Community Standards: For a full list of community standards, please click here.
  • Open Source Software: This page contains information on what Open Source software is used within Zoom

Frequently Asked Questions


Log on to Zoom’s web portal by clicking the login button at the top of the page. Click on Account Management then click on Account Settings in the navigation panel. Under the Meeting, Recording, and Audio Conferencing tabs of your account, you will find a list of your account settings. Make sure you are navigating to the right place in order to change the setting.
Some of the features available in Zoom desktop client and Zoom mobile app are only available in the Zoom desktop and mobile app, and they are not available through the Zoom web portal. The Zoom web portal is primarily used for editing meetings settings as well as Zoom Phone settings, which are two of the main functions that Zoom provides for its users, as well as configuring your Zoom meetings. The web portal also allows you to customize your profile to suit your specific needs.
There are two kinds of Zoom desktop clients: the one you install on your computer and the one you use from the web. With the desktop client, you can make changes to settings such as video, audio, and other aspects of your computer. You can schedule meetings, view these meetings, edit them, and even modify them from the Zoom desktop client, web portal, or mobile app at any time depending on your needs.
Zoom’s desktop client allows you to access settings by using the following steps:
  • Launch the Zoom desktop client and sign in with your Zoom account.
  • To access your profile settings, click the profile picture on the right side of your screen. You will now be able to access the following options once you click on this icon, which will open the settings window:
You can log into the Zoom desktop client if you are using Windows, macOS, or Linux on your computer. In order to learn more about Zoom, you can click your profile picture, choose Help, and then click About Zoom to learn more about Zoom’ features. Upon opening Zoom Desktop Client, you will be able to see a version of it.

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